Apr 30, 2024



Making my way into The Rose Theatre in Kingston for a quiet cup of coffee, I sat at a table marked as part of the Chatty Cafรฉ Scheme. 

It aroused my curiosity, so I glanced at a notice declaring I was at a Chatter and Natter table. 

Intrigued, I read on: anyone can sit here, either on their own or with a carer or a cared for person, or family members with babies. 

They even gave one-liners of questions you could use to open a conversation if you were shy or felt embarrassed to talk to strangers. 

Great idea!

Suddenly, information was relayed via the tannoy that there would be a fire drill for voluntary staff members; clients in the cafรฉ could remain where they were. 

All the volunteer staff who worked at the theatre from time to time had been asked to attend this important event.

The first fire alarm rang out and staff members were supposed to be exiting by the nearest exit, or as directed by a member of staff. Some made up their own interpretation, causing heavy usage at some exits. 

Everyone went into the auditorium again for more instructions, which I was not privy to. I am sure the supervisors were able to correct any misunderstandings after the first fire alarm.

During the next alarm session, a mass of mums and babies poured into the cafรฉ. Some settled at tables to chat and feed their babies. 

Others moved to parked up prams and buggies and strapped their babies in safely, before leaving the building and off about their business. 

I have never before seen so many beautiful, well-behaved babies in one place. Again, I was curious and, at the first opportunity, I spoke to one of the lovely mums.

They were groups of pregnant women who had met while having their babies over some time in Kingston Hospital. They had been invited to join the sessions where they could share helpful and supportive information about the care of their growing babies. 

The companionship and peer support, I was told by the mum I spoke to, were invaluable. She also went on to say they kept in touch on the internet, breaking the loneliness and anxiety of being a mum.

I thought it was a brilliant idea, and went from being alarmed to being charmed, as the fire alarm again shrieked its urgent warning and the practice continued.

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Apr 29, 2024



The masses waited for the match when darts would fly.

Two very young men, already at the top of the world game, strengthen and flexed their arms.

Rotating their necks, closing and resting their eyes.

Trying to calm their nerves, as an international audience waited.

Eating, drinking, laughing, and anticipating, new friendships in the making.

Time ticked on to the start; tension increased; stakes were high.

The referee arrived and checked the board, the carpet and the start line.

Weighed then broke out two new boxes of darts, colour choices taken.

The audience waited in restless expectation until instructed to silence as rules were explained.

TV and media cameras record the opening preparation, fingers ready to press the button sending it to enthusiasts around the world.

The players had a few practice throws as good luck calls reverberated around the room.

Each player with their own enthusiastic supporters is here to watch them play the game of their lives.

Only one can claim the title of The World Darts Champion.

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo by Anastase Maragos on Unsplash



I tucked my heart away, each day was a rainy day when you walked away from me.

I did not know what to do as I had given my love to you, but you turned away to love another.

After that life's earthquake, I carried on, nothing made me smile or other friendships make, till on a bus, I met another.

My frozen heart began to melt, I was a seed upon the sand. My love started to expand with every smile and touch.

I am grateful now you found another. You set me free to find true love, the healthy sharing kind.

I did not have to settle for second best. I have a relationship now unlike any other.

We are linked with joy hope and love, as we stroll through life together.

Thanks to you I am where I am! 

I can't thank you enough for that goodbye.

You did not know but by letting me go, you gave me a gift to step on the path of happiness.

Thanks to you, I am where I am!

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

Apr 28, 2024



A river like shimmering glass, as it silently flows, cluttered by boats that provide pleasure, and relaxation brings.

With birds passing overhead to land, in the trees so green and sing.

This is a day we dream of and hope summer will bring. Cuddled by a sky so blue, with white clouds passing by.

Clutching a good book, a glass with the content of choice, knowing all is well in your world.

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo by Elmer Caรฑas on Unsplash

Apr 27, 2024

Happy Tell a Story Day



As I opened the door, I heard it. In the wakening dawn, a bird started its morning song.

I had to stand and listen in the cold air, as the chorus grew into a sweet neighbourhood conversation.

It is amazing to realise that, though we live in such close proximity, there are only limited times when we connect and listen to one another.

Screams of fear and rage, no matter when, make me move to a door or window, ready to repel a stalking cat, or larger bird, leaving you to live in peace.

There are times when I have need of quiet contemplation at the beginning or end of a day. 

Your lovely singing intrudes, capturing my attention, soothing away any concerns I have.

It is strange, as you must listen, too, to the ups and downs coming from our house, making decisions when to hide or pop outside, dodging the neighbourhood cats who often saunter around our garden on an adventure or just passing through.

I value our coexistence; long may it continue, and I hope you think so, too.

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

Apr 26, 2024

Happy Arbor Day


Trees, shedding their leaves, showing colourful autumn dressing, becoming objects of wonder to behold.

Having lost all their summer floral dressing, stand shivering and shaking in winter's violent cold.

Standing exposed for birds and squirrels to chase and dive through, providing shelter in cosy hollows deep in their warm, wooden insides.

Bark peels and splits to show new and sweet-smelling wood.

In spring, buds burst forth, expanding canopies of beautiful fresh green.

Ready to provide blossom, some sweet smelling, always colourful, and food for the awakening bees and other treetop dwellers.

We owe them our admiration and vigilant protection, so that they may continue to grow and multiply this circle of life for other generations to admire.

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Anna Almeida 



Standing alone wrapped in a shroud of mist, I want to be free allowing the sun to kiss me.

I want to be free for my buds to burst through, for flowers to shake exquisite scent in the air and to the forest floor. 

To be there as shelter for squirrels, as they unpacking their cheeks with nuts to eat.

I want to be free for birds to sing and my branches to dance along.

I want to be place for insects to multiply in my bark tickling me.

So let the breeze tug away, this thick blanket of cold and damp.

So my day can start as the mist shreds and fades away, down through the valley and out to sea.

I will then be free for all my friends to visit me.

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

Apr 25, 2024



Beneath the blue sky arms entwined swaying in long borders hundreds side by side. Blooms of pink on stalks, some upright as soldiers others leaning weakly on the path heads blown in all directions by the wind.

Pinks in stiff, flared, ragged skirts, dancing, scattering their hypnotic scent to be picked up and whipped away by the breeze with faces open all revealing and inviting a visit from the busy buzzing bees.

Hundreds of buds, peeping out at angles, waiting their turn to burst into action, to keep the show going for months and months.

As I travelled the world at unexpected moments the scent trapped in my subconscious would pop out drawing with it a memory. 

Taking me, back, to my first sight of pinks in action, long ago on a beautiful Scottish highland day.

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

Apr 24, 2024



Spring is changing the nip in the air.

Buds thrusting shades of green everywhere, with flowers waiting in mass to appear, it is my time.

When in the woods bluebells open their bells, to spread seas of blue and heavenly perfume,

Wafting around to remind you and me, of our childhood and bluebell gathering times.

Not today as we have to protect wildflowers everywhere.

So future generations will enjoy, what is still here in my time.

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

Apr 23, 2024




Books: small, thin, tall and wide.

Covered, or brightly decorated, pleasing to the eye.

Ancient books, leather and parchment bound, with a scent all their own.

Contained within this wide array are nursery rhymes read by children to take them to fun places to play.

Learning on all kinds of subjects, from relationships to high mathematics, animal welfare and human health. 

Learning to feed the family or football fans on an away day.

Mentally taking fantastic trips to the four corners of the world, details appearing in a great book.

Into space from a comfortable armchair, a book will whisk you in astonishment way up there, with words and pictures, to a universe very few have been or seen.

Beneath the sea to follow the life of a different kind, real or fanciful, by a pen uncurled.

Books carry the stories and thoughts of many to share with millions of people within the learned walls of libraries and universities.

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License




I have loved books from the age of four when I first turned pages for myself.

To secret reading in bed with a torch and proudly going to the library with my dad.

Reading in ships libraries while sailing the World oceans, to study for exams.

Working in a library to recover from an illness for a year and a half, It was like being in a candy shop, a wonderful experience.

Met some amazing read-a-holics, with lots of stories to tell.

I never thought for one moment I would ever write a book myself, I hated writing and I was dyslexic.

So you see books take you in many directions, to many amazing experiences.

Carry on reading!

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

Apr 22, 2024

Earth Day and Earth Month


The Earth is such an important place for us, as it is the only place in the Universe like it that we know about at the moment.

Maybe in the future, there will be other worlds available to us, but at the moment they are not within our reach.

So we have to take really good care of the one we have, our Earth.

We have not always treated it well in the past, so we have a lot of catching up to do. 

All the plastic, glass, and oil are left in the sea and on the land. 

Rubbish was thrown everywhere for animals and birds to harm themselves.

We are now learning that much of what we throw away is worth saving and reusing.

We are being taught not to just cut down a variety of trees and only plant one kind. It upsets wildlife and insects.

We are also being taught to grow a variety of weeds, to support our bees and other animals that do not like the food we eat, they like a choice.

There is such a great deal to learn, and it is exciting, not boring.

So enjoy Earth Day and Earth Month, I am going too!

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License



Tables prepared white with silver glistening, arranged in twos and fours or more. Waiters and attendant at their stations, patiently wait and watch as we settle to scrutinise the menu for something new and tasty to eat.

Once we start chatting amongst ourselves, casting glances surreptitiously, some critical, most friendly, around the room, the waiters know it is their signal to ask if we would like to order, or if we need more time for contemplation.

Pens poised over small pads of paper, they busily squiggle and scratch away, stopping now and then to advise or repeat the awkward culinary names we failed to catch. 

Sommeliers pause to describe wines refined, others quite exotic, taking orders to match the meal you have chosen.

Away they go, attentive, some swinging big trays aloft, going out empty, returning full right to the top.

It's a period of constant action complicated on occasions by the sea's devilish sway and drop.

Catching both passengers and waiters off guard, sending them reeling into complicated balancing displays, which are hard to stop.

Above all this is laughter, together with gentle, quiet attention and a joke or two to take away, as off we go, having had an elegant sufficiency, happy and warmly content. 

We send our thanks to the kitchen for our food and our gratitude for not having to do the huge piles of accumulated washing up.


Written while on a cruise on The Black Prince.

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License



Blossom of white, hanging free waiting the attention of passing, buzzing bees.

Tickling you all over, releasing nectar, and pollen in clouds with the exchange ensuring benefit for all concerned.

Bees fly their cargo swiftly home to the hungry in the hive.

The blossom sways in delight at the knowledge their fruit will thrive and multiply.

Petals float down in their farewell dance and spiral knowing fruit will slowly start expanding.

A sight to behold: plump cherries ripening ready to eat when lips and fingers will be stained guiltily red.

Time to thank the tree for the bounty it has nurtured and generously shared.

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Apr 21, 2024



A plant that starts a foot or two off the ground. Peeling off like a daisy, with luscious leaf clusters, turning them upwards for the kiss of the sun.

Each cluster is independent for years. Decorative, with no flowers showing, till a command arrives who knows from whom?

Along the central proboscis starts showing as a long arm raised to the sun.

It is a flower! Which with much energy flowers pathetically. I am not trying to be unkind. 

It was not what we expected, a truly spectacular Bloom! Before the whole plant's final withering demise.

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen 

Photo by Lindsey on Unsplash



On the bus, we passed garden after garden, showing off their beautiful trees heavy with blossom. This year seems a very good year for blossom.

I just hope Jack Frost stays away and does not freeze the blossom off before their fruit has time to set. Otherwise, fruit and berries will be hard to find for hungry birds and humans this year.

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo by Wald Creations on Unsplash

Apr 20, 2024



In the dappled shade, a cricket sings to entice a lady to come wandering. 

Ants, moving in lines as though under orders to gather insect corpses, to move them out of sight to their underground houses. 

Waiting to provide food when work stops for the day. 

A snail starts its leisurely walk, munching greenery on the way. 

Spiders frantically paragliding in efforts to repair their webs, ready to capture unwary insects during the new day. 

As humans, some of us see what is going on. 

Others gaze towards the sky, admiring birds, in tree branches high, which produce music all day long.

I draw breath and start to sing in praise of peaceful feelings a dappled walk can bring. 

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

Apr 19, 2024



This flower has been forever trapped in my memories of the Far East.

The beautiful lingering scent is spread around by the light breezes for the delight of us all.

Pristine white with yellow faces and dark glossy green leaves.

Ready to adorn coconut-massaged necks, as the drums start the rhythm of the night.

Pure delight!

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo by Vonita Buirski on Unsplash



Foxes on the lawn.

Heron waiting on the hedge.

Squirrel on the fence.

Pigeon on the roof.

Mole scrabbling under foot.

Parakeet screeching and swaying in the trees.

Every single one of you waiting to be fed.

The Foxes are capable of hunting on their own in packs.

The Heron I have asked to take his beady eye off my fish pond. There are a lake and a river nearby for him to take fish from.

The Squirrel has trees galore to pick nuts to fill his cheeks till full.

The Pigeon I have asked to stay away as we are about to seed a new lawn.

To the Mole I have explained we do not need holes and molehills in the middle of our lawn.

There is some wild country a little way beyond, where he can dig all day long.

The Parakeets are so noisy when swinging in flocks high up in the trees, I have asked them to move away during afternoon rest time, please.

They are uninvited visitors and we just have to learn to live together and try to get along.

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Apr 18, 2024



Death, your arrival unannounced; just a touch and we fade away. No one of the living millions has returned to inform us where we might be when our bodies are left behind. 

Some are snatched away by war, amid love, health and a good life, a wasted life by generations grown. Others welcome your visit, taking them away from unimaginable prolonged pain, and allowing loved ones relief, too. Even though the goodbye is painful, it is accepted as for the best.

Death, but a touch snuffing out life but, in a flicker, a minute flicker, of universal time. Yet, into this tiniest of moments, we pack such drama, love, lies, hunger, fear, fury, war, tenderness, longing and hope. 

Why can’t we use this minuscule moment to leave a good imprint behind, encouraging others to follow in peace and love, united in the honouring of humanity?

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo by Sandy Millar on Unsplash

Apr 17, 2024



Slipping into teens; still don’t know what it means.

Just know that some rules have changed. I am not kept on quite such a tight rein. New rules are in place so I do not lose face.

Ways to stand my ground, not be bowled over by a bad crowd.

Encouraged to take a weekend or holiday job to help pay for things ahead.

I am starting to see how tight things can be, as they now share anxieties they once kept from me.

Taking responsibility for aiming as high as possible at school without constant prodding to achieve the best I can.

To prevent the anxiety of what lies ahead from overwhelming me.

No time now to be the class fool; important to be so much more caring.

My feelings are all up and down, difficult to control at times, as hormones start to change moods and thinking is scary at times.

The urge for the need to find someone safe who understands and with whom I can share worries that haunt me sometimes.

Music is the balm that brings me joy, sending me dancing, singing, imagination reeling.

In time, life will settle down and perhaps I will find someone to love and share this life of mine.

Together there might be much more ahead to share and certainly worth achieving.

For now, headphones are on for music to gently send me to peaceful, restful sleeping.

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

Apr 16, 2024

It's National Librarian Day!



I once worked in a Library, it was a dream job for a dedicated reader and storyteller. I did not know I would be a writer at that time. The thought would have given me the vapours.

We used to be given books to read on the way home, on the train, covered with brown paper, so no one could see they had not been released yet. It was to help us answer the hundreds of questions, about new books asked of us each day.

I fought Rommel in the desert and climbed Everest with Edmund Hilary. Swanned around stately homes and had romantic encounters, in beautiful clothes and always ended up with the right man, reading Barbara Cartland.

Worked out if the murder mysteries, were too drastic, for the more squeamish customers. And who undid the doing, before the plot ended, in the who did it.

The public is animal crackers so I was always looking for animal stories. They were wonderful days, and I look back on them with great fondness.

Books are a great education, you just need to try different types, and they take you into the most wonderful places and situations.

I am off to the Library tomorrow for research for one of my own books.

Happy days!

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License


Driving through the countryside on a twisty ride. A sideways glance caught a hint of blue. Decorating the woodland floor as we sped along. I gave a shout of joy. It is bluebell time.

Grabbing my iPad, I held it aloft, clicking frantically away. Madness, as with hope I sought to catch the view of bluebells. Bluebells as they should be seen: in multitudes swaying above beds of green. Scattering a heavenly scent, once captured never to be forgotten. Beneath trees with branches of budding fresh leaves, the sight, so brief, disappeared as we sped along.

In trepidation, my finger tapped back to see what part of the view I had trapped. The first few were disasters, as in haste I had covered the lens with my finger. Not what was needed at all; two more gave only a hint of what I was after. The next, not perfect, gave a glimpse of the bluebells, a delight I was trying to capture to show you.

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Apr 15, 2024


Oh, New Zealand! You own half of my heart!

On your shores, your shelter you generously offered us. Away from the danger of the virus, scything through our motherland. We have been drawn to your shores year after year.

Making new friends, bringing ours over, to share the beauty to be seen here. To enjoy food deliciously fresh, with a tang of lemons and a mix of herbs. Fruit trees laden with bountiful harvests, some from different lands.

To roam roads mainly clear, with beaches filled with more birds than humans. Fish a plenty tempting their catch for a hungry family meal. To birds not found elsewhere, one a flightless survivor from ancient times, rarely seen except at night.

Cattle and sheep roam free enjoying the nourishment of the land and care from the farmer's hand. Rivers change shape as they rage and dwindle across the land.

A country of contrasts, with dawns and sunsets to take your breath away. To a people united and rightly proud of this blessed land.

Thank you, Aotearoa, New Zealand, the Land of the Long White Cloud, for sheltering us here, where everyone has the freedom to meet, work, hug and roam.

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen



In the market, there was a sign which said,

‘Buys tools for the love of your life, he will love you forever.’

As I passed I commented,

‘Not if he is not a handyman and does not know one hammer or chisel from another.’

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Apr 14, 2024



The mist hugs the river and valley floor, 

Till the strength of the sun vaporises it,

And it is seen no more!

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen



The Land of the Long White Cloud and brilliant blue skies. A place that has taken half my heart.

Full of welcoming family-orientated people with their feet firmly attached to their roots.

A few disobedient sheep wander around, every country has them.

The awe at visual beauty wherever you may go, not all gentle and rolling.

Some show their birth struggles with rugged slashes, the odd shake and stone-throwing from time to time, a reminder it is still growing. 

Mountain tops some snow-capped others sun and lush greenery proudly showing.

Rivers some slow, others large and excitedly fast flowing.

Beaches copious and filled with, wave music, you and the birds.

The bright life and adventure are there for you to try in abundance.

I prefer the silence and gentle perambulation, the delicious food stops me from writing my words.

So I can replay my stories during my time in this blessed place, any other day.

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License



The first sign was the grinding of heavy machinery, 

It's impossible to see! Till a scar on the land did appear alarming me.

They have been cutting down the forest tree by tree, providing us with an unasked-for far distant view.

Scaring away all the forest dwellers to find somewhere safe and new.

Eagles flying high ready to snatch a meal or two. From those unable to find instant sanctuary.

On seeing trunks piled high on lorry trailer backs, I hope when planks they become, they will provide homes for many.

With space left behind to plant more healthy trees, for the next generation of grateful forest dwellers.

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo by Krystian Piฤ…tek on Unsplash



We awoke to a miserable wet misty day and a heart sink moment.

It is our resident's Street Party, food has been prepared and ready for the fun. Would it be clear, if not what would we do? 

Each year it provides a chance for us to meet old friends and make New Ones. We were very lucky this time, as the sun suddenly popped out and stayed. It was with delight we set off to the reserve, gathering at the top, as we filed down a rough track to the party spot.

Once there, we spread out erecting fold-up chairs, it is on a bit of a slope, but the safest places were found under the shade of a few trees. 

Names were exchanged, details of our lives and homes swapped, and wine and soft drinks were poured and shared.

Once the tables were put up, they gradually filled with delicious delights lovingly prepared by all. Salads, chicken, prawns, rice, potato and pasta dishes. Eggs and tomato with cucumber, plus lots of other tasty food. To go with a Barbecued lamb or two, carved and served hot. Later sweets appeared merengues, rhubarb crumble and many others. Wonderful!

To top it all, if you turned around you had a fantastic view of sea islands, country, river and wetlands stretching in all directions. 

You could not imagine a more spectacular Neighbourly affair, a huge success. Thank you, everyone, for all the effort made to make it a truly memorable occasion. Here’s to Next Year, or another excuse for a neighbourly affair.

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Apr 13, 2024



The WobblingPen Team is delighted to share the knowledge that we have now crossed the 30,000 views barrier on our blog.

Thank you so much for reading and supporting our blog. It means the world to us that you have chosen to join us on this journey. 

Your support allows us to continue creating and sharing stories with all of you.

We can’t wait to see where this journey takes us next!


2024 © Video made by Titi Serban 



In the local Market, a Maori stallholder approached me, holding out something in his hand, saying, 

‘This is a Maori memory stick. What does it remind you of?’

I said, ‘Lemons.’

He then said, ‘What is the memory of a smell you first remember?’

‘My Mother,’ he laughed, ‘you are the first to answer that today.’

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License



Let the light of dawn arrive quickly,

Taking away the fears of the night,

Delivering you safely into

The bright daylight.

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen



Plankton tiny though you be, slipping and sliding in mass in the sea.

Difficult to see in daylight but at night what a beautiful sight.

As collectively you mass-produce a silver light.

Hugging the coastline right up neat, showing a place of sparkling light entertaining from the shore.

As you swarm up from the deep for your romantic meet.

Your foes gather there for sure, yet you appear year on year producing evermore.

Next year we will be there to marvel at the sight of freely given natural plankton light.

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

Apr 12, 2024



Rapid change is encroaching on so many fronts that it’s becoming necessary to find methods to apply the brakes from time to time, allowing breathers in happy places, real or imaginary. 

Have you found yours yet? 

Here are some of mine!

Just waking up with someone I love is a very happy place for me.

Clasping a cup of tea, allowing moments of reflection, calm, and contemplation, is refreshing before more pressing demands creep in.

Greeting Lily, the cat who wishes to be mine, with love and an imaginary two-way conversation. If only she could really speak (though I have to acknowledge she has some great understanding moments).

Glancing out at the garden, connecting with the wild inhabitants, some of them regular visitors and neighbours, sources for topics or characters for my writings.

The postman’s knock on the door and the first outside human greeting, one shared for years between us. Official-looking post put to one side, for serious contemplation and discussion later.

These days, I long for a spell to relieve me of the time spent washing and dressing. I haven’t found it yet!

After breakfast, I slip into my very happy place, unzipping the stories waiting to be written and released, with fingers crossed that my very active computer gremlins will have found somewhere else to go to play their cruel games. 

Occasionally, this activity can be linked with a pyjamas day, a very good time.

Light housework at times takes me to a happy place when everything is turned back to tidy and welcoming again.

My day is split between two halves, talking to team members, Kelly and Jane in New Zealand in the morning, as we share problems, solutions and new ideas, plus comical giggles.

The end of the day is spent communicating with Anna in Portugal; she sometimes gives me new orders but mainly triggers reels of laughter.

Plus, importantly, we share how we are feeling and our families are coping. Just because we care and help does not mean we don’t hurt and feel the whole gamut of life events at times.

Working with this wonderful, widespread team gives us many happy moments.

The response from you, our readers, on Social Media, gives us the most pleasure: helping you to a happier place, real or imaginary.

Companionable conversation with my young man and Lily, with music we like, or a detective story, or environmental, historical or travel programme, leads to the end of a good day for us.

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

Apr 11, 2024




The quote, ‘Use it or lose it,’ not mine, should be taken seriously by every one of us. 

Libraries are a precious asset!

It is the one thing mobs destroy in various countries throughout history. Trying to destroy truth and experience gained over time. To rewrite false history in their favour.

They are the places we can go to immerse ourselves in the world of imagination and serious facts. 

Amazing stories take us through a wide range of emotions, research, education, community information and support.

A place to meet like-minded people in arranged topics of interest to them. 

It is a place to research false news for yourself rather than being fed one version.

It is a place we can safely take children, for their first experience of the marvels of the written word and choice of books and sometimes listening to real-life storytelling. 

It is a level playing field free to all.

Such a jewel needs us to use it well, to unhook ourselves from the isolation of our computers, or give those trapped in loneliness somewhere to go.

Through the use of libraries, the possibility of new friendships can be extended into our communities.

Please use your libraries, do not let us lose any more. They are vital to our community well-being.

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License



Open the door to escape Loneliness                   




When safe to do so say: 

                HELLO THERE! 

To break loneliness aim to meet a new friend a day. 

Do not beat yourself up if you don’t, just keep trying.

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

Apr 10, 2024

Encourage a Young Writer Day!


It’s Encourage a Young Writer Day, making it the perfect moment to introduce this lovely Story!


I am a Wobbler,

Yes, I am!

Wobble in and out

When I can.

Carrying stories,

Within and without.

Some I cry, shout,

Laugh out loud about it.

If you sign on.

You carry this logo,

Around with you.

You're a Wobbler!

You're a Wobbler too!


2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen