Apr 23, 2024




Books: small, thin, tall and wide.

Covered, or brightly decorated, pleasing to the eye.

Ancient books, leather and parchment bound, with a scent all their own.

Contained within this wide array are nursery rhymes read by children to take them to fun places to play.

Learning on all kinds of subjects, from relationships to high mathematics, animal welfare and human health. 

Learning to feed the family or football fans on an away day.

Mentally taking fantastic trips to the four corners of the world, details appearing in a great book.

Into space from a comfortable armchair, a book will whisk you in astonishment way up there, with words and pictures, to a universe very few have been or seen.

Beneath the sea to follow the life of a different kind, real or fanciful, by a pen uncurled.

Books carry the stories and thoughts of many to share with millions of people within the learned walls of libraries and universities.

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

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