Apr 20, 2024



In the dappled shade, a cricket sings to entice a lady to come wandering. 

Ants, moving in lines as though under orders to gather insect corpses, to move them out of sight to their underground houses. 

Waiting to provide food when work stops for the day. 

A snail starts its leisurely walk, munching greenery on the way. 

Spiders frantically paragliding in efforts to repair their webs, ready to capture unwary insects during the new day. 

As humans, some of us see what is going on. 

Others gaze towards the sky, admiring birds, in tree branches high, which produce music all day long.

I draw breath and start to sing in praise of peaceful feelings a dappled walk can bring. 

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

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