Apr 22, 2024

Earth Day and Earth Month


The Earth is such an important place for us, as it is the only place in the Universe like it that we know about at the moment.

Maybe in the future, there will be other worlds available to us, but at the moment they are not within our reach.

So we have to take really good care of the one we have, our Earth.

We have not always treated it well in the past, so we have a lot of catching up to do. 

All the plastic, glass, and oil are left in the sea and on the land. 

Rubbish was thrown everywhere for animals and birds to harm themselves.

We are now learning that much of what we throw away is worth saving and reusing.

We are being taught not to just cut down a variety of trees and only plant one kind. It upsets wildlife and insects.

We are also being taught to grow a variety of weeds, to support our bees and other animals that do not like the food we eat, they like a choice.

There is such a great deal to learn, and it is exciting, not boring.

So enjoy Earth Day and Earth Month, I am going too!

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

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