Apr 14, 2024



We awoke to a miserable wet misty day and a heart sink moment.

It is our resident's Street Party, food has been prepared and ready for the fun. Would it be clear, if not what would we do? 

Each year it provides a chance for us to meet old friends and make New Ones. We were very lucky this time, as the sun suddenly popped out and stayed. It was with delight we set off to the reserve, gathering at the top, as we filed down a rough track to the party spot.

Once there, we spread out erecting fold-up chairs, it is on a bit of a slope, but the safest places were found under the shade of a few trees. 

Names were exchanged, details of our lives and homes swapped, and wine and soft drinks were poured and shared.

Once the tables were put up, they gradually filled with delicious delights lovingly prepared by all. Salads, chicken, prawns, rice, potato and pasta dishes. Eggs and tomato with cucumber, plus lots of other tasty food. To go with a Barbecued lamb or two, carved and served hot. Later sweets appeared merengues, rhubarb crumble and many others. Wonderful!

To top it all, if you turned around you had a fantastic view of sea islands, country, river and wetlands stretching in all directions. 

You could not imagine a more spectacular Neighbourly affair, a huge success. Thank you, everyone, for all the effort made to make it a truly memorable occasion. Here’s to Next Year, or another excuse for a neighbourly affair.

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

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