Apr 18, 2024



Death, your arrival unannounced; just a touch and we fade away. No one of the living millions has returned to inform us where we might be when our bodies are left behind. 

Some are snatched away by war, amid love, health and a good life, a wasted life by generations grown. Others welcome your visit, taking them away from unimaginable prolonged pain, and allowing loved ones relief, too. Even though the goodbye is painful, it is accepted as for the best.

Death, but a touch snuffing out life but, in a flicker, a minute flicker, of universal time. Yet, into this tiniest of moments, we pack such drama, love, lies, hunger, fear, fury, war, tenderness, longing and hope. 

Why can’t we use this minuscule moment to leave a good imprint behind, encouraging others to follow in peace and love, united in the honouring of humanity?

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo by Sandy Millar on Unsplash

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