Apr 11, 2024




The quote, ‘Use it or lose it,’ not mine, should be taken seriously by every one of us. 

Libraries are a precious asset!

It is the one thing mobs destroy in various countries throughout history. Trying to destroy truth and experience gained over time. To rewrite false history in their favour.

They are the places we can go to immerse ourselves in the world of imagination and serious facts. 

Amazing stories take us through a wide range of emotions, research, education, community information and support.

A place to meet like-minded people in arranged topics of interest to them. 

It is a place to research false news for yourself rather than being fed one version.

It is a place we can safely take children, for their first experience of the marvels of the written word and choice of books and sometimes listening to real-life storytelling. 

It is a level playing field free to all.

Such a jewel needs us to use it well, to unhook ourselves from the isolation of our computers, or give those trapped in loneliness somewhere to go.

Through the use of libraries, the possibility of new friendships can be extended into our communities.

Please use your libraries, do not let us lose any more. They are vital to our community well-being.

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

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