Apr 26, 2024



Standing alone wrapped in a shroud of mist, I want to be free allowing the sun to kiss me.

I want to be free for my buds to burst through, for flowers to shake exquisite scent in the air and to the forest floor. 

To be there as shelter for squirrels, as they unpacking their cheeks with nuts to eat.

I want to be free for birds to sing and my branches to dance along.

I want to be place for insects to multiply in my bark tickling me.

So let the breeze tug away, this thick blanket of cold and damp.

So my day can start as the mist shreds and fades away, down through the valley and out to sea.

I will then be free for all my friends to visit me.

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

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