Apr 12, 2024



Rapid change is encroaching on so many fronts that it’s becoming necessary to find methods to apply the brakes from time to time, allowing breathers in happy places, real or imaginary. 

Have you found yours yet? 

Here are some of mine!

Just waking up with someone I love is a very happy place for me.

Clasping a cup of tea, allowing moments of reflection, calm, and contemplation, is refreshing before more pressing demands creep in.

Greeting Lily, the cat who wishes to be mine, with love and an imaginary two-way conversation. If only she could really speak (though I have to acknowledge she has some great understanding moments).

Glancing out at the garden, connecting with the wild inhabitants, some of them regular visitors and neighbours, sources for topics or characters for my writings.

The postman’s knock on the door and the first outside human greeting, one shared for years between us. Official-looking post put to one side, for serious contemplation and discussion later.

These days, I long for a spell to relieve me of the time spent washing and dressing. I haven’t found it yet!

After breakfast, I slip into my very happy place, unzipping the stories waiting to be written and released, with fingers crossed that my very active computer gremlins will have found somewhere else to go to play their cruel games. 

Occasionally, this activity can be linked with a pyjamas day, a very good time.

Light housework at times takes me to a happy place when everything is turned back to tidy and welcoming again.

My day is split between two halves, talking to team members, Kelly and Jane in New Zealand in the morning, as we share problems, solutions and new ideas, plus comical giggles.

The end of the day is spent communicating with Anna in Portugal; she sometimes gives me new orders but mainly triggers reels of laughter.

Plus, importantly, we share how we are feeling and our families are coping. Just because we care and help does not mean we don’t hurt and feel the whole gamut of life events at times.

Working with this wonderful, widespread team gives us many happy moments.

The response from you, our readers, on Social Media, gives us the most pleasure: helping you to a happier place, real or imaginary.

Companionable conversation with my young man and Lily, with music we like, or a detective story, or environmental, historical or travel programme, leads to the end of a good day for us.

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

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