Apr 14, 2024



The Land of the Long White Cloud and brilliant blue skies. A place that has taken half my heart.

Full of welcoming family-orientated people with their feet firmly attached to their roots.

A few disobedient sheep wander around, every country has them.

The awe at visual beauty wherever you may go, not all gentle and rolling.

Some show their birth struggles with rugged slashes, the odd shake and stone-throwing from time to time, a reminder it is still growing. 

Mountain tops some snow-capped others sun and lush greenery proudly showing.

Rivers some slow, others large and excitedly fast flowing.

Beaches copious and filled with, wave music, you and the birds.

The bright life and adventure are there for you to try in abundance.

I prefer the silence and gentle perambulation, the delicious food stops me from writing my words.

So I can replay my stories during my time in this blessed place, any other day.

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

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