Apr 17, 2024



Slipping into teens; still don’t know what it means.

Just know that some rules have changed. I am not kept on quite such a tight rein. New rules are in place so I do not lose face.

Ways to stand my ground, not be bowled over by a bad crowd.

Encouraged to take a weekend or holiday job to help pay for things ahead.

I am starting to see how tight things can be, as they now share anxieties they once kept from me.

Taking responsibility for aiming as high as possible at school without constant prodding to achieve the best I can.

To prevent the anxiety of what lies ahead from overwhelming me.

No time now to be the class fool; important to be so much more caring.

My feelings are all up and down, difficult to control at times, as hormones start to change moods and thinking is scary at times.

The urge for the need to find someone safe who understands and with whom I can share worries that haunt me sometimes.

Music is the balm that brings me joy, sending me dancing, singing, imagination reeling.

In time, life will settle down and perhaps I will find someone to love and share this life of mine.

Together there might be much more ahead to share and certainly worth achieving.

For now, headphones are on for music to gently send me to peaceful, restful sleeping.

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

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