Apr 16, 2024

It's National Librarian Day!



I once worked in a Library, it was a dream job for a dedicated reader and storyteller. I did not know I would be a writer at that time. The thought would have given me the vapours.

We used to be given books to read on the way home, on the train, covered with brown paper, so no one could see they had not been released yet. It was to help us answer the hundreds of questions, about new books asked of us each day.

I fought Rommel in the desert and climbed Everest with Edmund Hilary. Swanned around stately homes and had romantic encounters, in beautiful clothes and always ended up with the right man, reading Barbara Cartland.

Worked out if the murder mysteries, were too drastic, for the more squeamish customers. And who undid the doing, before the plot ended, in the who did it.

The public is animal crackers so I was always looking for animal stories. They were wonderful days, and I look back on them with great fondness.

Books are a great education, you just need to try different types, and they take you into the most wonderful places and situations.

I am off to the Library tomorrow for research for one of my own books.

Happy days!

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

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