Apr 26, 2024

Happy Arbor Day


Trees, shedding their leaves, showing colourful autumn dressing, becoming objects of wonder to behold.

Having lost all their summer floral dressing, stand shivering and shaking in winter's violent cold.

Standing exposed for birds and squirrels to chase and dive through, providing shelter in cosy hollows deep in their warm, wooden insides.

Bark peels and splits to show new and sweet-smelling wood.

In spring, buds burst forth, expanding canopies of beautiful fresh green.

Ready to provide blossom, some sweet smelling, always colourful, and food for the awakening bees and other treetop dwellers.

We owe them our admiration and vigilant protection, so that they may continue to grow and multiply this circle of life for other generations to admire.

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Anna Almeida 

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