Apr 29, 2024



The masses waited for the match when darts would fly.

Two very young men, already at the top of the world game, strengthen and flexed their arms.

Rotating their necks, closing and resting their eyes.

Trying to calm their nerves, as an international audience waited.

Eating, drinking, laughing, and anticipating, new friendships in the making.

Time ticked on to the start; tension increased; stakes were high.

The referee arrived and checked the board, the carpet and the start line.

Weighed then broke out two new boxes of darts, colour choices taken.

The audience waited in restless expectation until instructed to silence as rules were explained.

TV and media cameras record the opening preparation, fingers ready to press the button sending it to enthusiasts around the world.

The players had a few practice throws as good luck calls reverberated around the room.

Each player with their own enthusiastic supporters is here to watch them play the game of their lives.

Only one can claim the title of The World Darts Champion.

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo by Anastase Maragos on Unsplash

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