Apr 16, 2024


Driving through the countryside on a twisty ride. A sideways glance caught a hint of blue. Decorating the woodland floor as we sped along. I gave a shout of joy. It is bluebell time.

Grabbing my iPad, I held it aloft, clicking frantically away. Madness, as with hope I sought to catch the view of bluebells. Bluebells as they should be seen: in multitudes swaying above beds of green. Scattering a heavenly scent, once captured never to be forgotten. Beneath trees with branches of budding fresh leaves, the sight, so brief, disappeared as we sped along.

In trepidation, my finger tapped back to see what part of the view I had trapped. The first few were disasters, as in haste I had covered the lens with my finger. Not what was needed at all; two more gave only a hint of what I was after. The next, not perfect, gave a glimpse of the bluebells, a delight I was trying to capture to show you.

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

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