Apr 19, 2024



Foxes on the lawn.

Heron waiting on the hedge.

Squirrel on the fence.

Pigeon on the roof.

Mole scrabbling under foot.

Parakeet screeching and swaying in the trees.

Every single one of you waiting to be fed.

The Foxes are capable of hunting on their own in packs.

The Heron I have asked to take his beady eye off my fish pond. There are a lake and a river nearby for him to take fish from.

The Squirrel has trees galore to pick nuts to fill his cheeks till full.

The Pigeon I have asked to stay away as we are about to seed a new lawn.

To the Mole I have explained we do not need holes and molehills in the middle of our lawn.

There is some wild country a little way beyond, where he can dig all day long.

The Parakeets are so noisy when swinging in flocks high up in the trees, I have asked them to move away during afternoon rest time, please.

They are uninvited visitors and we just have to learn to live together and try to get along.

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

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