May 31, 2023



When quietly listening, you hear the gentle sounds, you never hear, while loud music is around.

© 2023 Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License



My young man and I had to make a routine hospital visit yesterday afternoon. Yet like most of my outings changed into anything but routine.

The weather turned it’s first winter’s wind up several knots to almost freezing as we headed out into it. I had decided to take my router walker, as the ground was too wet and dead leaves splattered to negotiate with walking sticks, it also gave me sitting opportunities when required.

Off we set and of course, we just saw the back of a bus disappearing around the corner. A real heart-sink moment as it was a ten-minute wait for the next one. It started to drizzle and we huddled together in the bus shelter to wait out of the wind.

Thankfully there must have been some disruption to the bus timetable, as one appeared in seven minutes. The bus curtseyed allowing me to conveniently roll my walker on. As it was empty we were able to choose seats nearest the disabled bay so we could brake my walker and I could hold onto it through the bars. We completed that part of the journey without incident. 

The next bus was quite a different challenge, as there was a metal sheet between my seat and the disabled parking space. We lined up my walker putting the brakes on, all was well till we turned the last tight right-hand corner into the hospital drive. To our dismay the walker broke free heading down the bus, willing laughing helpers grabbed it and brought it back.

The appointment went without incident and I avoided pressing the button on the mortuary floor, which I had succeeding doing once before. Once outside we had to wait for a bus. Oh, it was bitterly cold and windy. 

Eventually, the bus appeared, we let the other passengers on first, before confidentially placing my walker in the disabled bay. Again we were unable to keep a physical attachment to it.

Halfway through the journey it made another determined break for freedom, before being captured by my husband and squeezed into a gap at his seat and trapped there by his legs, so very uncomfortable.

I made a sweeping glance around the bus and caught sight of a gap big enough for a folded standing upright walker. Once the passengers nearest to the space left the bus, I suggested as we still had a way to go he might be more comfortable if we parked our escapologist there. A suggestion I was surprised he readily agreed to. It must have been uncomfortable sitting as he had been.

So he wheeled our collapsed walker into the narrow upright space, and we settled for a more relaxed journey. Bad mistake as after a bump over a kerb and a sharp turn on a roundabout, my walker somehow slipped under the bars and lay on it’s side ready to jam the doors when they were required to open at a bus stop.

My young man by this time had a great deal to say to the wheelchair none of which was nice. Other passengers came to his embarrassed rescue and both our thanks. 

He stood holding onto the walker in the disabled space, endangering himself, as the bus took off again on it’s wobbly ride. I said, “Please sit on it as with your weight and the brakes on it should not move.”

He was about to refuse, when the bus swung around another corner, almost sending him and the offending walker in the driver's direction.

Once more I said more firmly, “Sit on it sit on! Common sense prevailed. My embarrassed young man lowered himself onto my walker.

You might ask why I had not participated in this fiasco. I was seated against a widow who had a step to negotiate to be able to assist. I would have been an immediate return to the hospital casualty if I had tried. Instead, my focus was on being a helpful I hope observer.

All that is left to say is a big thank you to everyone on the number 2 bus service yesterday afternoon, for their assistance with my runaway walker.

© 2023 Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

May 30, 2023

There's C's and D's and then there's Humanity


There's C's and D's and then there's Humanity:

I sometimes chase you but that’s just play

A bit of fun and exercise

While they just sit watching that thing.

Yet they think they are wise

There are C’s & D’s and Humanity.

The conundrum we try to solve

As each one of us accepts the other.

How did they evolve?

It’s all right for you as you’ve got a flap

A lap on which to sleep

Me I get a bloody kennel.

Outside where things they keep.

I guess you have your share of hardship.

Putting up with all that smell.

But you can have the best of both Worlds,

Mine is sometimes hell.

Indoor ain’t always fun.

As they play music so loud my ears are numb.

My posture is wrong on the arm of the chair.

When a comfortable lap is waiting there.

If I try to manoeuvre into places I am sharply told,

Get back on the floor, 

Paws that are muddy should remain outdoors.

You are a disgrace.

I sometimes envy you.

Then remember it is not always that good.

I sometimes get to go inside

That comfort is so misunderstood.

How do you accept it?

How do you tolerate

The things that you do

All that hugging when they choose

Yet when it suits the proverbial boot.

Like they have nothing much to loose.

I look at you running freely outdoors

Before a collar and lead keep you in check.

Stops you from pausing for those fab smells to inspect.

When they take you off for those magical things called walks

You never tell me what happens, why don’t you talk?

Ha, ha, ha!

Like your friend, it is horses-for courses.

Apart from those that walk on two legs.

I love the weekend when you are allowed in.

You curl up beside me, snuggly tucked up warm.

With your breath parting my fur.

I remember the days when we were both new.

They let us play and stay together.

Our bond grew strong that is why we get along.

Now they are stressed at the end of the day.

We make our move sliding slowly close to them.

They don’t know it but we are natural de-stressors.

We need food, water, love and walks 

Then we are there all the time.

There are Cats and Dogs, 

Then there is the human race my friend.

© The Two Friendly Poets

Photo: Pixabay License




Anna and I had a hilarious day making our videos for you to watch.

Just to fill you in with the back story. I was required to sit on a small round garden stool, presented with the book and told to read and given several other instructions, which I will not elaborate on, just leave them to your imagination. 

The first problem, I had weak hands so had to balance, The Book Dialogue with Delightful People, on my lap.

Then we had long pauses for aircraft fly passes as it is the height of the holiday season. ‘Anna you do realize they fly past every three to six minutes.’

‘Quick then!’ Her words were immediately drowned out by a parakeet flock flight past. Only to be reinforced by a police car siren. 

Portuguese flew for a moment or two. Laughter was difficult to stop as we struggled to return to our task.

Lily appeared just at the right moment to take her place in the limelight. She behaved as a true star, till boredom set in. 

Anna and Lily wandered off indoors together, leaving me on my stool with a problem. I gave a plaintive call, ‘Excuse me, I can’t stand up, help! Ooh, help!

More laughter and a tug from Anna and dignity were restored. Video production has lots of unexpected add-ons, but great fun. 

Thank you, Anna, for your creative direction and love.

We hope your day is fun-filled and full of exciting things you can write about.

Take care of all those you love. Tell them how much you love them regularly, so you do not have to say, ‘If only.’

© Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen



I feel a bit of hate,

Not with you mate,

With me.

My centre of gravity

Is a bit askew,

I keep on falling too

Why am I in this shape?

Filled with pain and whine

Nearly all, the time.

No one takes me out

Listens when I shout

And call out.

I feel a bit of hate,

Not with you mate,

With me.

I wish there was a special

Oily spray, I would

Lubricate where I could.

Then I would stand up straight,

Eye to bloody eye

And smile at you mate.

© 2023 Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

May 29, 2023



The power of love is at it’s most potent when given away freely, with no strings attached for personal gain. 

Other than a surge of warmth at a job well done.

© 2023 Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License



Well, it has been a fairly uneventful journey so far this half. A few things to amuse, one with serious consequences.

My husband drew my attention to the marvellous amount of legroom at the beginning of the economy section. I laughed to myself, then whispered back I thought you had to be fit to sit near the emergency exits. 

That gentleman does not look fit enough to do a heroic life-saving leap and twist to open the door. To speedily empty the plane. He was rather portly and snugly attached to his seat, with the added encumbrance of a neck brace. Glad we were in another section of the plane and hoping no one would need to put his prowess to the test.

Talking to two very tall Kiwi's in a lounge in Hong Kong, sharing this story with them. One of them laughed saying, 'It is very cold by the doors, we have to wear double socks when we sit there.' So watch out what looks inviting might not be all that comfortable.

We were on a new aircraft, which had a few peculiarities to baffle even frequent flyers. I fought to put my headphone connection into the socket in my chair, to no avail. On closer inspection discovered one of it's prongs was bent at an odd angle, making it useless.

The first toilet stop, once we were airborne was uneventful. Not so the next. my husband and I paraded to the toilet section together. Helpful as I am unsteady on my feet at times and did not want to fall into someone's lap in an ungainly heap. There was a queue as one toilet was out of action. When I finally entered the seat was very wet, as was the floor with it's decoration of bits of discarded toilet paper.

Empty cardboard toilet rolls, stood upright, trying to make up for the lack of paper. Thank goodness I had a cold and had tissues stuffed up my sleeves. The final indignity, as I washed my hands, was there were no paper towels, and the dirty water was reluctant to leave the bowl.

As I moved back to my seat I warned my husband and gave him a tissue. I accosted the first stewardess I met and rattled off all the missing items, necessary for an essential service on an aircraft, especially long distance.

Our eight-hour stay in the lounge in Hong Kong was very pleasant, we particularly enjoyed our noodles in the noodle bar. Between people watching, sipping coffee and tea, with the odd snooze, the 8-hour stopover was managed very well.

Until I went to use the facilities successfully and brush my teeth. I had one of those very handy travelling fold-up toothbrushes in a plastic case. 

Once extended for use it refused to retract back into it's case. I pulled and struggled with it to the amusement of others in the facility. Finally, it gave in! I have concluded, I could keep a film crew fully occupied for most of the week with things happening to us.

Just about to start the next leg of our journey, watch this space. Again it all went well till after mealtime when I was given an extra glass of iced Coke.

I took two sips and then, fell asleep rudely awoken by the ice-cold fluid everywhere. It helped my shingles and not much else. What a mess!

© Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

May 28, 2023



Clouds floating, mirrored in the lake, 

With skies coloured blue up on high.

Swans show off their pristine whiteness as they split the image floating by.

Fishermen quietly sitting, arranging flies and other tasty treats

To tempt a fish to rise and challenge their previous fish-landing feats.

Family groups gathered around the lakeside seat, 

Bringing food for all the birds to eat.

Relaxation is the order of the day, 

To watch clouds floating gently by on their way.

© 2023 Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Picture with the permission of Jane Risdon



Words, Words, Words, 

Have been feeling their way through my mind this morning.

Words delivered by good writers and poets and others straight from the heart.

Words written thoughtlessly, needing retraction or rewording. 

Words when spoken in haste. 

Words delivered impersonally by electronic means or media. 

Words spoken privately lovingly one to one. 

Words you wished you had never said and need a retraction. 

Others you wish you had said more of before it became too late.

Words quoted by writers centuries ago relevant today.

Words are powerful! 

We need to be thoughtful and compassionate when we release them. 

They can have an impact way beyond their size and usage.

Time to close and let the words speak for themselves.

Take care, exchange words if you can, with those who are lonely.

© 2023 Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

May 27, 2023



Sitting alone in the café, 

Allowing the atmosphere of the place,

To pull me into the realm of relaxation. 

In my favourite Café.

As I relaxed, allowing the music, 

To complete the job.

Removing the tension, 

With an iced speciality drink clasped, in my hand.

I was alone, just me. 

Except for one small intrusion.

A white dog tail, 

Doing an occasional wag.

This cafe is called Wags N Tales, 

After all.

He just wanted to say hello. 

Then we were still.

© 2023 Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Wags N Tales Coffee Bar Kitchen



I am a fairy that needs music to keep my heart in tune.

I can clap my hands and stamp my feet in joy.

My heart provides the rhythm, 

Helping me to dance and sing.

Today Mr Frog passed by. 

His croak was out of tune.

Mrs Snail crept soundlessly along . 

She had nothing to say.

Mr Owl said “Sorry, I have lost my too wit to woo!”

Even the birds stayed silent. 

They refused to play. 

“What is the matter with everyone today?”

Mr Heron said, “Have you not heard? 

The human Queen has passed away.”

He lowered his head in sorrow, as miserable as could be,

As fish, swam right up to his feet that he could have had for tea.

I went to the river and sat sadly upon a rock, remembering the Fairy Queen saying once, “Life has to go on.”

I listened to the river. 

It had not lost it’s song.

It’s voice still bubbles on gently at times, at others loud and strong.

I moved to a patch of grass and joined in with a gentle river dance and a song of praise to a lovely Queen now gone.

The others joined in, those that could, lifting our spirits helping us to move on.

The word was that for a while humans would not have a Queen.

To a new King they would have to give honour and bend a knee.

Our fairy Queen flew down to say, “His name is King Charles III.”

One by one we found our voices to sing in praise and dance for their new king,

With the hopes of more cheerful musical days ahead, giving us reason to sing.

2023 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License



Of course, it would have to be the hottest day so far that the fish pond pumps ground to a halt. Emergency action required by two with no sense, out in the midday sun.

The unwinding of the net so we could have a good inspection. Separating the weed, to grab the rope to pull the pump onto the edge of the pond. All kinds of water creatures, made hasty escapes, into water puddles or with a plop, back into the pond.

This is the time H, goes into his rant, the script never changes. 'We are too old for this, let's get rid of the fish. It is a filthy job.'

My contribution is silence until it is repeated too often with the addition of colourful language. 

'Enough! You know how much we love their presence, floating around in the pond. It is so relaxing, watching them and listening to the water fountain splashing. You would miss them! You know you would!'

Open pump, fierce hose spray, wire brush scrub, reassembled. Dangled back into the pond, on the end of a rope, before reattachment.

Attention is given to the other end, the big dustbin-sized filter. Another hose pipe attached turned on. Followed by human strenuous exercise of rotating a handle, to move the foam balls inside to release the unmentionable dross into a flower bed, then to another and another. Good for all concerned.

Only one problem. It is still not giving us enough output, to cheer a fantastic fountain. A bit of a damp squib.

Hot sun, stopped play, investigation to be resumed when the sun's heat starts easing off for the day. We just have to have faith in our abilities to fix it, before dark and mosquito attacks.

We are still conversing, in a civilized manner and the fish know H, did not mean it. They are here to stay permanently as usual.

© Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

May 26, 2023



In the silence of solitude, 

You hear things 

You never knew you had missed.

Leaves trembling audible shivers, 

At the wind's gentle caress.

Strange birds, frantic calling, 

Flitting from tree to tree.

A bustling bee, dancing on flower heads 

Shaking their pollen-free.

Hanging on to its gathered treasure on its back legs, 

Flying home to the hive.

The tantalizing whiff of roses 

Carried along on the breeze,

Spreading good cheer.

Dogs setting up a barking chorus, 

At strangers passing by.

A language, 

Not ours floats from neighbours next door,

Exchanging pleasantries over the garden wall.

We are here to take it all in.

© 2023 Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

May 25, 2023



Uplifting leaves shifting rustling on their way, recycling returning in another form.

© 2023 Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

May 24, 2023



A raw gouge out of the earth, 

Millions of years old, 

With a river meandering through.

Sometimes gentle and kind; 

At other times tortuous, thundering, devilish, a killer. 

Light from above and below, ever-changing, 

Rearranging what you see every time you go.

Go, you must, as it is a natural wonder to see!

© 2023  Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

May 23, 2023



The sound of running water bubbling over rocks.

Creating small waterfalls where leaves spiral out and overtake others, with them on to a long spiralling drop.

To be forced to the surface and propelled out to the quieter edges, where they take advantage of a bit of a rest.

Before being caught and rushed along at speed, battered and bruised, shedding bits to drop to the river bed.

Where tiny fish nudge the debris along in a little game.

Before finally gobbling them up as food, at the end of a fun-filled day.

© 2023 Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

May 22, 2023



A bee’s contribution to tea I am.

I bring a smile, 

When into a ceramic bee tea pot cast.

Full to the brim with refreshing tea.

On toast or a hot scone, 

My liquid gold is spread.

Bringing delight to many.

All I ask in return is a place in your garden, 

Especially for bees.

Full of wild, nectar-bearing flowers.

So gathering flights do not take us, hours and hours.

As we work to produce delicious honey 

To complement your tea.

© 2023 Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

May 21, 2023

I Am Here - WobblingPen Song

WobblingPen are pleased to announce our first original song! 

"I Am Here" lyrics written by Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen.

The music composed by "Insert.Play.Smile." 

Performed by singer "Kitty Got Claws"

May 20, 2023



Let's get buzzing!

Come and see the Buzzy Busy Bees.

Buzz, Buzz buzz buzz

Here and there everywhere

Buzz Buzz Buzz Buzz

Popping their heads into flowers to sip nectar;

Buzz buzz buzz buzz gathering pollen,

To hang like shopping bags from their back legs;

Buzz buzz buzz buzz

Weary they can carry no more, 

We are tired so tired.

Buzz buzz buzz buzz

Turning around and around till they sense 

The quickest way home.

As flowers we love your tickling pollen 

And nectar shaking visits

Buzz Buzz Buzz Buzz

It starts our seeds growing, 

Popping and scattering everywhere.

Buzz Buzz Buzz Buzz

The wind picks them up in the air 

Letting them down again with a plop.

Buzz buzz buzz buzz

Without your help, 

Our flowers and fruit will not start growing.

Birds, Animals, Humans as well.

Oh bees we love you too

Buzz buzz buzz buzz

Without you the insects won’t thrive, 

We will starve with grumbling insides

No buzz buzz buzz.

There will be no lovely flowers in fields 

Or swaying on fruit trees,

They will be bare.

No more honey to spread 

On our bread to have for our tea.

No Buzz, Buzz Buzz

No flowers growing around us, 

Well none we can find...

All we can do to help is scatter seeds 

Around the old fashioned way.

Buzz buzz buzz buzz

In every spare space, we can find.

Once-blooming the scent and colour will bring bees 

Buzzing back just in time.

Buzz Buzz Buzz Buzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz...

© 2023  Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

World Bee Day!


World Bee Day!

Oh, we are bees, we are looking for a home.

We are under attack and need help to fight back.

A meadow would be fine, 

The flowers do not have to be in a line.

Our beehives could be tucked away 

At the meadow's edge amongst the fruit trees.

If you could please help us, we could keep busy pollinating, 

Making sure you have fruit to eat with your cereal.

Collect wildflower seeds there are some we really love 

And scatter them where they can quietly grow.

We need your help!

We cannot manage without you!

Must be off I am really rather busy buzzzzzzzzzzz, 

Tell everyone we need help to help you, we really do.

Buzz Buzz Buzz Buzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz...

© 2023 Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

May 17, 2023



It is hard to imagine all those years ago when you left your home in all weathers to phone a loved one, that one day it would change.

The first phones for those with means, were sometimes party lines. Very often maned by friends or relatives so certainly not a private communication line.

Especially when you heard the click and knew they had been listening in most of the time.

No one knew the day would arrive when you would have a phone at home.

Be able to carry one in your pocket and handbag. A phone that you could see who you are talking to, in real-time, a video phone.

Or one day the phone box would become a library, still carrying words and communicating stories, but in books with ink and paper once again.

© 2023 Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License



Pushing off from the shore,

Rowing my concerns with me.

Stopping to float and listen.

Lying back, finding a comfortable spot.

To stop restless fidgeting.

Expelling breath to a gentle rhythm

To slow my heartbeat and control its

Wild thumping.

Once attuned to my earthly connection,

I gaze up, eyes doing a circumnavigational sweep.

A night so clear with no distraction.

Realisation hits how tiny and insignificant we are in all this.

The time we have to pack in

Misery and happiness is so very short,

Just a rapid blink.

Lying, thinking, no sounds to interrupt.

Millions of stars overhead, out of touch,

Create awe and fill my gaze.

In absolute silence, I ponder how to change my ways,

To leave a legacy of better days.

© 2023 Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License



They say cats and mice cannot be friends, 

That is not always true.

I had a mouse friend once when I was little.

We stayed friends for a long time.

We shared our ups and downs.

It was great fun!

Then one day he vanished.

I often wondered what happened?

How long do mice live?

That is still a mystery to me.

Does anyone know?

When you like someone 

It does not matter what species they are, 

You just like them.

I love humans even though 

They are different from me.

Happy Days!

© 2023 Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

May 16, 2023




Goodbye and hello uttered within hours

Churns up emotions, suppressed and expressed.

Goodbye brings waves of sadness and question.

When will we meet again?

Hello, releases joyous expectations,

Of hugs, kisses, everyone talking at once.

Tinged with the memories of goodbye,

So recently painfully uttered to those left behind.

© 2023 Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License



I have asked you here to take a sip.

To relax and chat, 

While your lips into china flowers dip.

Soon the smell, the taste, 

The warmth as you start to unwind,

It's Afternoon tea!

A ceremony celebrated for years 

By all who have shared a cup of tea.

Memories slowly released again 

To enthral new listeners.

© 2023 Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

May 14, 2023




To me, there will never be a mother quite like you.

Your hands that cradled me when I was born.

The wishes you whispered to me when I was tucked up asleep.

Dreams for the future you wished for me, yet I could not hear, or speak.

You yearned for a future brighter than yours.

Blighted by two World Wars.

To be something special was your ardent wish for me.

All my life I did my best; achievements there were a few.

Yet none measured up to what you hoped I would do.

Now I am writing, a dream you never had for me.

I am dyslexic, you see.

How you tried with spelling bees to teach me the beauty and power of words.

Hard as I tried, the messages between my brain and my pen did not flow successfully.

Stories became my stock in trade, as I acted my characters into the plot.

Then technology came into play, correcting my spelling and punctuation right away.

Mother, you grew prouder each time I called.

When I sat and read aloud the newest stories, some from your past.

One day, before you passed, you said, “I always knew you would do something; 

I just did not know what. Locked inside you all these years were stories awaiting sympathetic ears.

My whispers in your ear have been fulfilled at last.”

2023 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

May 12, 2023



The bolt of light shot from sky to ground, with delayed sound,

Before skipping a zig-zag across the water, till some rocks it found.

A thunderous crack announced its powerful end, and silence reigned once again.

2023 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

May 11, 2023



I was trying to distance myself from the present, as I was standing in my kitchen with all the cupboard doors and drawers off. Tools and sawdust all over the place. Plus the knowledge there was going to be no speedy completion. 

My darling young man forgets we are approaching the end of the life spectrum. His days of magnificent carpentry and do-it-yourself skills have long passed. 

We need skilled tradesmen and deep pockets to dip into to pay the larger-than-expected bill presented. That is if you are lucky enough to find good tradesmen, as at the moment there is a dearth of them all over the world. 

Hence my first answer: looking into the future was a good idea, anticipating a beautiful kitchen, but with no ready-by date on the horizon. Frustration!

© 2023 Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

May 10, 2023



We have lost two very different men, who have made laughter ring around the world. 

They introduced us to some skilled comic characters, they have invented and each presented them to us in different ways.

They were both kind and caring men who helped people and animals with sincerity, their at times cutting humour drew laughter not rebuke.

I along with many others loved them both, just to catch sight of one of them or hear their voices, causing smiles to break out.

To watch a performance in the theatre or on television was a delightful experience because laughter was their stock in trade. If there were tears it was caused by laughter.

Similarly, when away from the limelight they were both quiet and shy and performed good works behind the scenes many unreported.

I hope both these wonderful men are generating laughter still in the here after. 

As I am sure they will here on earth, we see repeats of shows they performed for us, encouraging us to laugh yet again.

Thank you Paul O’Grady, and Barry Humphries for the memories.


Laughter is such good medicine, if you have a funny story to tell, share it with family or friends. 

If you are brave enough tell stories with strangers, I often do and the result is magic and laughter shared.

Take care everyone and if you know someone in pain who lives alone give them a ring. 

It might do more for them than a dose of medication, just to hear you speak.

2023 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

May 9, 2023



So, let’s party tonight

Let’s shake it about.

Let’s sing all the songs

As loud as we can

To celebrate the crowning of one man.

The sorrow we have had 

Time to let go.

To start a new phase

As best we can.

Strengthen security, walking arm in arm.

Let’s party tonight 

Yet tomorrow we will work

To keep water, food, and ocean clean.

To bring peace to every part of this land.

Let’s party tonight for the main man.

Let’s wake the world

With the clapping of our hands

To danger hidden in the air and the sand.

United we can take on the task

To save our planet is all that we ask.

So, let us unite and party tonight

Cementing friendships to last and last.

To help repair our World 

From wars and ravages of the past.

Safe to pass on to the future ahead.

So, let’s celebrate the crowning of the main man.

Carry his message as far as we can.

Learning every step of the way

To keep our earth safely turning

Every night and every day.

Let’s party now we have a plan.

Clap your hands

Shake it about, stamp and shout

We have the protection of our planet

Tenderly in our hands.

2023 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: RichardsDrawings by Pixabay License