May 17, 2023



It is hard to imagine all those years ago when you left your home in all weathers to phone a loved one, that one day it would change.

The first phones for those with means, were sometimes party lines. Very often maned by friends or relatives so certainly not a private communication line.

Especially when you heard the click and knew they had been listening in most of the time.

No one knew the day would arrive when you would have a phone at home.

Be able to carry one in your pocket and handbag. A phone that you could see who you are talking to, in real-time, a video phone.

Or one day the phone box would become a library, still carrying words and communicating stories, but in books with ink and paper once again.

© 2023 Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

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