May 6, 2023



How I am drawn to it, to sit comfortably, inhaling the scent of daffodils placed in a vase bathed by the sun.

Table cloth beautifully smooth, covered with silverware and paper-thin bone china waiting to be used.

Newly baked bread balanced for the slice of a knife and positioned on a plate with a pat of melting butter and marmalade waiting deliciously to be spread. 

Bouts of contemplation, nibbling, as time is left for tea infusing. Not to be hurried, before pouring into a cup to be blended delicately with milk and sugar, part of the tea-making art.

Gently relaxing and glancing out the window. Allowing thoughts to gather of how you are going to maximise this wonderful day when you are truly on your own.

2023 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

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