May 20, 2023



Let's get buzzing!

Come and see the Buzzy Busy Bees.

Buzz, Buzz buzz buzz

Here and there everywhere

Buzz Buzz Buzz Buzz

Popping their heads into flowers to sip nectar;

Buzz buzz buzz buzz gathering pollen,

To hang like shopping bags from their back legs;

Buzz buzz buzz buzz

Weary they can carry no more, 

We are tired so tired.

Buzz buzz buzz buzz

Turning around and around till they sense 

The quickest way home.

As flowers we love your tickling pollen 

And nectar shaking visits

Buzz Buzz Buzz Buzz

It starts our seeds growing, 

Popping and scattering everywhere.

Buzz Buzz Buzz Buzz

The wind picks them up in the air 

Letting them down again with a plop.

Buzz buzz buzz buzz

Without your help, 

Our flowers and fruit will not start growing.

Birds, Animals, Humans as well.

Oh bees we love you too

Buzz buzz buzz buzz

Without you the insects won’t thrive, 

We will starve with grumbling insides

No buzz buzz buzz.

There will be no lovely flowers in fields 

Or swaying on fruit trees,

They will be bare.

No more honey to spread 

On our bread to have for our tea.

No Buzz, Buzz Buzz

No flowers growing around us, 

Well none we can find...

All we can do to help is scatter seeds 

Around the old fashioned way.

Buzz buzz buzz buzz

In every spare space, we can find.

Once-blooming the scent and colour will bring bees 

Buzzing back just in time.

Buzz Buzz Buzz Buzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz...

© 2023  Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

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