May 9, 2023



So, let’s party tonight

Let’s shake it about.

Let’s sing all the songs

As loud as we can

To celebrate the crowning of one man.

The sorrow we have had 

Time to let go.

To start a new phase

As best we can.

Strengthen security, walking arm in arm.

Let’s party tonight 

Yet tomorrow we will work

To keep water, food, and ocean clean.

To bring peace to every part of this land.

Let’s party tonight for the main man.

Let’s wake the world

With the clapping of our hands

To danger hidden in the air and the sand.

United we can take on the task

To save our planet is all that we ask.

So, let us unite and party tonight

Cementing friendships to last and last.

To help repair our World 

From wars and ravages of the past.

Safe to pass on to the future ahead.

So, let’s celebrate the crowning of the main man.

Carry his message as far as we can.

Learning every step of the way

To keep our earth safely turning

Every night and every day.

Let’s party now we have a plan.

Clap your hands

Shake it about, stamp and shout

We have the protection of our planet

Tenderly in our hands.

2023 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: RichardsDrawings by Pixabay License

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