May 30, 2023

There's C's and D's and then there's Humanity


There's C's and D's and then there's Humanity:

I sometimes chase you but that’s just play

A bit of fun and exercise

While they just sit watching that thing.

Yet they think they are wise

There are C’s & D’s and Humanity.

The conundrum we try to solve

As each one of us accepts the other.

How did they evolve?

It’s all right for you as you’ve got a flap

A lap on which to sleep

Me I get a bloody kennel.

Outside where things they keep.

I guess you have your share of hardship.

Putting up with all that smell.

But you can have the best of both Worlds,

Mine is sometimes hell.

Indoor ain’t always fun.

As they play music so loud my ears are numb.

My posture is wrong on the arm of the chair.

When a comfortable lap is waiting there.

If I try to manoeuvre into places I am sharply told,

Get back on the floor, 

Paws that are muddy should remain outdoors.

You are a disgrace.

I sometimes envy you.

Then remember it is not always that good.

I sometimes get to go inside

That comfort is so misunderstood.

How do you accept it?

How do you tolerate

The things that you do

All that hugging when they choose

Yet when it suits the proverbial boot.

Like they have nothing much to loose.

I look at you running freely outdoors

Before a collar and lead keep you in check.

Stops you from pausing for those fab smells to inspect.

When they take you off for those magical things called walks

You never tell me what happens, why don’t you talk?

Ha, ha, ha!

Like your friend, it is horses-for courses.

Apart from those that walk on two legs.

I love the weekend when you are allowed in.

You curl up beside me, snuggly tucked up warm.

With your breath parting my fur.

I remember the days when we were both new.

They let us play and stay together.

Our bond grew strong that is why we get along.

Now they are stressed at the end of the day.

We make our move sliding slowly close to them.

They don’t know it but we are natural de-stressors.

We need food, water, love and walks 

Then we are there all the time.

There are Cats and Dogs, 

Then there is the human race my friend.

© The Two Friendly Poets

Photo: Pixabay License

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