May 28, 2023



Words, Words, Words, 

Have been feeling their way through my mind this morning.

Words delivered by good writers and poets and others straight from the heart.

Words written thoughtlessly, needing retraction or rewording. 

Words when spoken in haste. 

Words delivered impersonally by electronic means or media. 

Words spoken privately lovingly one to one. 

Words you wished you had never said and need a retraction. 

Others you wish you had said more of before it became too late.

Words quoted by writers centuries ago relevant today.

Words are powerful! 

We need to be thoughtful and compassionate when we release them. 

They can have an impact way beyond their size and usage.

Time to close and let the words speak for themselves.

Take care, exchange words if you can, with those who are lonely.

© 2023 Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

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