May 30, 2023




Anna and I had a hilarious day making our videos for you to watch.

Just to fill you in with the back story. I was required to sit on a small round garden stool, presented with the book and told to read and given several other instructions, which I will not elaborate on, just leave them to your imagination. 

The first problem, I had weak hands so had to balance, The Book Dialogue with Delightful People, on my lap.

Then we had long pauses for aircraft fly passes as it is the height of the holiday season. ‘Anna you do realize they fly past every three to six minutes.’

‘Quick then!’ Her words were immediately drowned out by a parakeet flock flight past. Only to be reinforced by a police car siren. 

Portuguese flew for a moment or two. Laughter was difficult to stop as we struggled to return to our task.

Lily appeared just at the right moment to take her place in the limelight. She behaved as a true star, till boredom set in. 

Anna and Lily wandered off indoors together, leaving me on my stool with a problem. I gave a plaintive call, ‘Excuse me, I can’t stand up, help! Ooh, help!

More laughter and a tug from Anna and dignity were restored. Video production has lots of unexpected add-ons, but great fun. 

Thank you, Anna, for your creative direction and love.

We hope your day is fun-filled and full of exciting things you can write about.

Take care of all those you love. Tell them how much you love them regularly, so you do not have to say, ‘If only.’

© Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

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