May 11, 2023



I was trying to distance myself from the present, as I was standing in my kitchen with all the cupboard doors and drawers off. Tools and sawdust all over the place. Plus the knowledge there was going to be no speedy completion. 

My darling young man forgets we are approaching the end of the life spectrum. His days of magnificent carpentry and do-it-yourself skills have long passed. 

We need skilled tradesmen and deep pockets to dip into to pay the larger-than-expected bill presented. That is if you are lucky enough to find good tradesmen, as at the moment there is a dearth of them all over the world. 

Hence my first answer: looking into the future was a good idea, anticipating a beautiful kitchen, but with no ready-by date on the horizon. Frustration!

© 2023 Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

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