May 26, 2023



In the silence of solitude, 

You hear things 

You never knew you had missed.

Leaves trembling audible shivers, 

At the wind's gentle caress.

Strange birds, frantic calling, 

Flitting from tree to tree.

A bustling bee, dancing on flower heads 

Shaking their pollen-free.

Hanging on to its gathered treasure on its back legs, 

Flying home to the hive.

The tantalizing whiff of roses 

Carried along on the breeze,

Spreading good cheer.

Dogs setting up a barking chorus, 

At strangers passing by.

A language, 

Not ours floats from neighbours next door,

Exchanging pleasantries over the garden wall.

We are here to take it all in.

© 2023 Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

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