May 27, 2023



I am a fairy that needs music to keep my heart in tune.

I can clap my hands and stamp my feet in joy.

My heart provides the rhythm, 

Helping me to dance and sing.

Today Mr Frog passed by. 

His croak was out of tune.

Mrs Snail crept soundlessly along . 

She had nothing to say.

Mr Owl said “Sorry, I have lost my too wit to woo!”

Even the birds stayed silent. 

They refused to play. 

“What is the matter with everyone today?”

Mr Heron said, “Have you not heard? 

The human Queen has passed away.”

He lowered his head in sorrow, as miserable as could be,

As fish, swam right up to his feet that he could have had for tea.

I went to the river and sat sadly upon a rock, remembering the Fairy Queen saying once, “Life has to go on.”

I listened to the river. 

It had not lost it’s song.

It’s voice still bubbles on gently at times, at others loud and strong.

I moved to a patch of grass and joined in with a gentle river dance and a song of praise to a lovely Queen now gone.

The others joined in, those that could, lifting our spirits helping us to move on.

The word was that for a while humans would not have a Queen.

To a new King they would have to give honour and bend a knee.

Our fairy Queen flew down to say, “His name is King Charles III.”

One by one we found our voices to sing in praise and dance for their new king,

With the hopes of more cheerful musical days ahead, giving us reason to sing.

2023 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

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