May 10, 2023



We have lost two very different men, who have made laughter ring around the world. 

They introduced us to some skilled comic characters, they have invented and each presented them to us in different ways.

They were both kind and caring men who helped people and animals with sincerity, their at times cutting humour drew laughter not rebuke.

I along with many others loved them both, just to catch sight of one of them or hear their voices, causing smiles to break out.

To watch a performance in the theatre or on television was a delightful experience because laughter was their stock in trade. If there were tears it was caused by laughter.

Similarly, when away from the limelight they were both quiet and shy and performed good works behind the scenes many unreported.

I hope both these wonderful men are generating laughter still in the here after. 

As I am sure they will here on earth, we see repeats of shows they performed for us, encouraging us to laugh yet again.

Thank you Paul O’Grady, and Barry Humphries for the memories.


Laughter is such good medicine, if you have a funny story to tell, share it with family or friends. 

If you are brave enough tell stories with strangers, I often do and the result is magic and laughter shared.

Take care everyone and if you know someone in pain who lives alone give them a ring. 

It might do more for them than a dose of medication, just to hear you speak.

2023 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

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