May 14, 2023




To me, there will never be a mother quite like you.

Your hands that cradled me when I was born.

The wishes you whispered to me when I was tucked up asleep.

Dreams for the future you wished for me, yet I could not hear, or speak.

You yearned for a future brighter than yours.

Blighted by two World Wars.

To be something special was your ardent wish for me.

All my life I did my best; achievements there were a few.

Yet none measured up to what you hoped I would do.

Now I am writing, a dream you never had for me.

I am dyslexic, you see.

How you tried with spelling bees to teach me the beauty and power of words.

Hard as I tried, the messages between my brain and my pen did not flow successfully.

Stories became my stock in trade, as I acted my characters into the plot.

Then technology came into play, correcting my spelling and punctuation right away.

Mother, you grew prouder each time I called.

When I sat and read aloud the newest stories, some from your past.

One day, before you passed, you said, “I always knew you would do something; 

I just did not know what. Locked inside you all these years were stories awaiting sympathetic ears.

My whispers in your ear have been fulfilled at last.”

2023 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

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