Dec 31, 2023


The excitement grows as time ticks on.

A train to be ready to run on new rails, a big national clock to at last be unveiled.

Homes and residents cleaned within an inch of their lives,

Traveller is doing their best to reach home for the unmissable time.

Indoors the tables are laden with good things to eat, bottles of drink, alcoholic and other less potent brews, with sparkling glasses displayed, ready to swing into use.

Television switched on as in anticipation we waited for the clocks and bells to strike, The Old Year out and The New Year in.

The glasses raised and clashed, air kisses and untouchable hugs delivered all around. 

Then the bash on the door declared the first footer had arrived, with a lump of coal to bring good luck inside.

A Piper pipes in the New Year outside in the dark.

Inside tears and laughter with hope well mixed as the ghosts of the past mingle with us too, pulling out memories of the things we used to do.

A voice calls out, a moment, to say farewell to the past and welcome to this New Year’s Day.

© 2023 Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License



The clock strikes, hugs and kisses are shared.

A new page is turning as we prepare to step into 2024.

Full of hopes for goodness and peace to cloak our world we really do.

Let nature play it’s part in growing food enough for all,

Curtailing destructive habits that hurt us in the past it is true.

Let us increase our recycling, to cleanse the land and sea.

Decreasing wasteful use of energy, leaving enough to be shared.

With hopes of more homes so no one sleeps on the street.

Wars to cease creating peaceful lands, it that too much to wish for.

Creative brains thinking, planning, more work for waiting hands.

The final strike is about letting love, peace and truth cloak our lands.

Raising my pen I prepare to write the first words and stories for 2024.

Happy New Year, let peace and good health be with you wherever you might live, is my fervent wish.

The clock is now silent but ticking still.

2023 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

Dec 30, 2023



Post-Christmas, after the excitement and anticipation of festivities had faded, our family shared their goodbye hugs and greetings as we waved them off.

We settled back into the normality of the life my young man and I share with Lily, the cat who wishes to be mine. Surrounded with work to do, just what hundreds of families have to face after big family events.

We sat relaxing, drinking the restorative cup of tea, so necessary when reviewing the feelings the visit has stirred up. So many memories to tuck away and revive on other festive occasions.

The next day: bed washing, towel changing, and reviving, leaving the rooms all shipshape, ready for the next visitors, keeping the washing machine and dryer in constant action.

Reorganising everywhere: leftover food to be recycled, fridges and freezer to be cleaned and tidied; lists of things we have run out of and need to reorder for daily living; helping Lily to find her way hesitantly back into her favourite quiet places.

Thankfully, there is no rush for some of these tasks; they can be spread over a couple of days.

On Friday, a hospital visit was fitted in early and, on our return, I fell asleep, awaking mid-afternoon for a snack and a cup of tea.

It was then that a musical extravaganza appeared at the turn of a switch on the television. It was all-encompassing, mesmerisingly beautiful.

It was a production by Sky Arts of Phantom of the Opera at the Royal Albert Hall. I think it was in honour of Andrew Lloyd Webber. The minute the first wonderful notes, sung by amazingly trained singers, hit my ears, I was captivated.

The music beloved by millions, including me, carried me away, triggering my singing along with the wonderful lyrics, albeit much more quietly. The vocalists were superb, and the orchestra and chorus assisted their fantastic performances. 

My husband and I sat totally immersed in the music and the story until the intermission.

The orchestra started the music for the return to the story, except it was different: what now? Suddenly, Sarah Brightman appeared alone, singing the theme tune from the opera, and then four men in black suits joined her. They carried on singing singly and then together. I clapped my hands in delight, as I recognised the singers who had played the Phantom over the years. The audience gave each one the applause they so rightly deserved.

I said to my husband, “There’s one missing. I don’t see Michael Crawford.” Hardly had I spoken than Andrew Lloyd Webber and Cameron Mackenzie appeared to join everyone on the stage as they sang the last few lines as a group. Then, Michael Crawford appeared and was given the last word to sing, drawing the whole performance to an end. There were standing ovations, and applause so well deserved rang out. 

Music has the power to take you to any place you would like to go and bring you safely back again.

2023 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

Dec 29, 2023



As the shadows start lengthening, the sun continues it’s slow sliding to appear elsewhere as the dawn.

The ice starts it’s musical orchestration creating loud cracks with the creaking of branches breaking, ice expanding tumbling rocks and logs down into the river below.

The sky is clear, the moon bright and illuminating till freezing fog throws it’s weight around.

As darkness gradually settled it’s cloak comfortably on the ground.

A lone wolf sent out it’s challenge on top of a nearby hill, before retiring into the comfort of his den.

The countryside settled down till the sun appeared over the horizon again.

2023 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

Dec 27, 2023



An invitation was received with delight for a Christmas party, a week away on Saturday night.

It was the first in a very long time; it would be so romantic in York City at Christmas time.

The hunt was on for something to wear, though money was tight. 

Glancing in the wardrobe for something to take to pieces and revive.

It might be possible to include it with parts of another dress from the past. 

To design an amazing dress fit for a queen.

Each day, I put time aside to complete each connecting seam, front and back.

Slowly, the simplicity of style and colour selection allowed its fashionable beauty to shine through.

Through old jewellery boxes, the hunt was on for earrings and necklaces to match it with a bit of sparkle.

The last, the most difficult task, was matching shoes and a small bag; money had to be carefully spent to acquire them.

The hour arrived for pampering well before the dressing-up time.

Standing before the mirror to see if I was as well dressed as I could be.

There were no eyes to see me but mine; mum passed away last Christmas time.

If she was here, she would be proud and say, “Hold yourself up straight. You have no reason to bow your head to anyone.”

“Yes, Mum, I will try to remember," I whispered while taking a final look in the mirror.

Descending the stairs to pick up a warm cloak to complete my protection from the weather.

A deep breath before opening the door and stepping out into the rain-dampened street, beautifully decorated with Christmas lights and decorations.

A surge of excitement made me grip my cloak more tightly as I walked along, looking at the length of this beautiful street in which I have lived most of my life.

Its age showing in the different styles of history going way back, it has never ceased to thrill. Now more than at other times, as the wet, cobbled roadway gleamed in the glow from overhead Christmas decorations. 

Head down, I hurried along in the light drizzle, counting the buildings till I could knock on the party venue door.

Bang! “Oh my! I am so sorry. Did I hurt you? Mother told me to walk up straight. I could not as the drizzle was hitting my face. Are you OK?” 

A laugh came from just above my head, and I found myself being steadied.

A man smiled down at me and said, “I should apologise to you! I came out of a lane in a hurry, as I am late for a party. 

Are you OK?”

I did not know what to say as I felt very OK. 

Who would not, in the arms of a lovely man, without an introduction?

I replied, “I am going to a party, too; you can hear the laughter and music from here.”

He laughed again, “So am I. May I escort you there, as I do not have a partner?”

What could I say with my heart thudding away? 

I said, “I have no partner either. Thank you for the invitation. My name is Violet.”

“Mine is Malcolm; pleased to bump into you.”

Walking straight, arm in arm and at ease, we knocked on the door, were welcomed and entered. 

It was then our wonderful lifetime partnership began.

No wonder it is called one of the most picturesque streets in York, UK

2023 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

Dec 25, 2023



The Season of Peace and Goodwill has arrived with a story told and retold, and celebrated by millions and millions around the world.

This year, it would be easy to dwell on all the shortcomings of those words. Not here; please think of all the good news stories and greetings waiting to be shared. There have been so many, in some cases heartwarming, tales. Send yours to as many people as you can and read them out to friends when you are gathered together during this season of goodwill.

This year has been very challenging for so many, at home, at work and in the world at large. No work, no home, no food, no family, no limbs, no love, just loneliness. Yet there is much work to do. Take a look around your neighbourhood: is there something you can do? Need is all around us.

I trundled up with my sturdy three-wheeler to the Square 1 Café, the only place I can manage to go by myself. It is just up the road. There was no room at my usual table, so I sat at another. It opened up a whole new area of interest and support. Sitting opposite me were the lady and gentleman who started this venture now rapidly expanding. It was a service started by them over their garden wall during Covid, to give food freely to those who were struggling. It has grown into a café, where people can sit together and be served food, listening, caring and laughing, and taking them away from whatever might be pressing at home.

The gentleman asked me if I would write his story for him. So we have decided to meet and discuss if we can work together, and if he likes my style of writing. I would be honoured to do so, if it feels right for him.

Another lady sat on my other side. We had not met before and began chatting. Soon, she mentioned the recent loss of her husband and having a sick cat, and we held hands together in a few moments of comfort. I gave her a WobblingPen card and invited her to spend time with me after the holiday. I felt we could exchange skills and perhaps between us help others. A smile lit up her face for a few moments and she said she would be in touch.

Yet another man joined my table in a chair next to me. He was a Radio Jackie DJ who had been entertaining us. We introduced ourselves. I asked how long he had worked there? He said, “If I remember correctly, about 25 years plus.” I gave him my card, explaining about WobblingPen, and he said he would be in touch with me.

So you see, if I had not gone out, I would have missed all these wonderful new friendships and experiences. Be brave, step out and be prepared for new and amazing happenings.

Wishing you all the very best for this Christmas season, and thank you for following WobblingPen, as many of you do. We very much enjoy your company and the stories and lives you share with us. Looking forward to meeting again in the New Year ahead.

Love from all of us.

2023 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen
Photo: Pixabay License

Dec 24, 2023



In the house on Christmas day with lights ablaze,

Food loving prepared, ladened on the table.

Awaiting hungry eaters to participate.

With cries of joy at favourite flavours found 

Piling plates are unable to deny the temptation.

Then sitting companionably to eat and chatter.

Till eyes looked out the window and saw

The house opposite has no glowing lights.

No smoke slowly floated away from the chimney top.

No music or joyous noise, just the feeling of sadness.

There is plenty here for us, 

Can we see if we can share it?

A knock, an invitation to please join us, 

It is Christmas time!

Did they come? Or did they refuse? 

We will never know if we don’t ask!

Let us extend a hand and all have a Merry Christmas.

© 2023 Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License



I heard a noise in the middle of the night.

Without moving a muscle,

I peered through my lashes.

Oh, what a sight.

At a man in red with a beard quite white.

Shoo! He whispered it would be alright.

I am Santa Claus and am running a bit late,

Not everyone is together in their usual place.

They are spread out in ones and twos.

It makes delivering their presents much harder to do.

I hope by next year this virus will have gone away.

For now, sorry I woke you, 

Back to sleep you must go.

As I encourage my reindeer back to the North Pole.

Shoo! Merry Christmas.

© 2023 Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

Dec 23, 2023



Sitting alone in a silent church allowing all my troubles to sit on a pew.

As I gazed ahead at the altar lit by a single candle’s fluttering light.

Watching the dancing reflections on the base of the candle holder so bright.

Trying to assemble my thoughts of Christmas Services long past.

When people would be packed in, in their finery waiting for the service to start.

Children bobbing up and down whispering, giggling, fidgeting, 

Turning hymn books upside down.

The expectancy of the service is now about to start.

With the organist in place, the first chord is struck.

As the choir procession and clergy make their way to the front.

Music sheets are held firmly as the first Carol of the day is sung.

I drew myself back from the memory of so long ago.

Whispering my prayers in the emptiness, no one there to hear.

I left for home enlightened singing a Carol loudly along with the Country Lane.

Before realising I left all my problems behind on the pew.

Ahead lay festivities and all those I hold most dear.

© 2023 Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License



On the tabletop, they have come out to play.

To help celebrate another Christmas.

For so long they have been kept in the dark.

Now released to have a lark.


Merry Christmas is on it’s way and we will have fun Celebrating Christmas on this tray.

2023 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

Dec 22, 2023



It has started, a trickle at first but gathering pace; the first cards sent by the early birds. It has galvanised me into action to start writing and sending out mine.

I’m very grateful to have a large collection of unused Christmas cards gathered by myself and my family over the years. Do you have a secret supply, too?

The odd parcel has arrived, announced by our musical doorbell: mainly gadgets necessary for house repairs or improving audio equipment we already have, ready for the family.

I have inspected the cupboards in a desperate attempt to make room to pack in my husband’s ‘buy three, get one free’ Christmas home delivery of dry goods. This task then extended to the more difficult task of finding space in the fridge and freezer for the perishable eatables. They are both quite full, due to my husband’s inability to refuse a bargain. 

His solution? “We must eat as much as we can before Christmas. What’ll we have tonight?” 

My cry: “I can’t. I’m weight-watching to keep my weight down ready for surgery in the new year.” 

So we will have to give some to the neighbours to freeze, if they have spare capacity, and share with us.

The turkey is providing us with an advanced headache this year. As fast as my husband tried to book a delivery slot near Christmas with our usual supermarket, they filled up. Before discussing it with me, he grabbed one for 19 December.

Together, we mulled over the condition the turkey would be in if it was kept languishing that long in the fridge. We decided it was too risky, so we’d go for a frozen turkey instead. It can reside in the freezer for a few days before being transferred to the fridge for gradual thawing, ready for the big day.

So, a warning to others who rely on home deliveries for your food supplies: book now and start your order. You can always add to it, but you need the vital date established.

When we went to look at our booked date, there were no more slots for that day. Glad we grabbed ours when we did! If you’re not quick, you might be sorry.

My heart goes out to those in the world with no food, and I’ll be taking quite a bit of ours to charities who can share it with those in need. If you have food to spare, think about sharing. Invite those living on their own to join you for meals over the Christmas period, or longer if you can manage it.

This world of ours needs a bit of sharing care, love and friendship. Just look around to see what you might be able to do.

© 2023 Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

Dec 21, 2023



Christmas Gifts for writers on the internet.

A LIKE is like a Christmas card, a COMMENT is like a Christmas present.

Each will bring the knowledge that someone has read and appreciated their work.

Writers put a great deal of thought, effort and love into their craft, which in this media is given in the main freely.

Many writers live alone with no one to give them praise or encouragement and search for acknowledgement of their worth in the eyes of others.

It does not take long but encourages pens to write amazing tales again.

Which gift will you give this Christmas freely, a LIKE or a COMMENT?

Stay safe, pass on a smile or kindness around your neighbourhood and watch the changes taking place.

© 2023 Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

Dec 19, 2023



Mum had been up on Christmas morning, checking everything was ready in the fridge to put out hot or cold later that day.

All was well until she couldn’t find the Christmas pudding. The plate was there, but the pudding was gone.

She searched the fridge, moving things to and fro, wondering where the pudding had gone. She searched around the floor, in case it had rolled out when someone tugged on the door.

No pudding was in sight, and she was becoming upset, as the family always expected a Christmas pudding. Where has it gone? 

She wandered into the lounge. There, sitting beneath the tree, in silver paper tightly bound and red ribbon dressed, was the Christmas pudding, looking its very best.

A smile was stuck on it, and a note which said ‘Merry Christmas, Mum, for all the Christmas puddings for us you have made. This will be the best, as we have led you on a merry chase. 

© 2023 Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

Dec 18, 2023



Today, I awoke to a dull silence, crept my way to the window and drew back the curtain, to view snow slowly falling, blanketing the surroundings, as far as I could see in the dwindling darkness.

Its whiteness beautifies everything we normally view. Seen from the warmth indoors, I could view this magical moment, remembering snowfalls of old.

These flakes, large and a bit heavy, though settling on the garden furniture, did not have the look of permanence, but that could change. The forecasts were right with their warnings: Prepare for snow overnight or in the morning.

Birds starting their dawn chorus, their information-gathering discussions. I wonder what they include in their chatter? 

Where there might be edible food and vital unfrozen water, and maybe how to ease and warm frozen feet?

A flight of crows flew low, noisily, overhead and, higher above the falling snow.

A plane circled unseen. heading for a landing on instruments, as the ground below is hard to see. Engine noise faded into the distance; The silence was restored.

I moved my attention back indoors, as my young man appeared smiling, “What a winter wonderland!” was his remark.

I shall just keep looking and writing about the stories snow often brings.

© 2023 Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Dec 17, 2023



Christmas is nigh with me and mine; it may not yet have reached across the sea to thine.

All is ready as we make our way to bed, with spirits lifted by a glass of wine.

Once tucked in, we long to sleep, but are those sleigh bells ringing?

Carol singers practise their Christmas Carol singing.

We long for the dawn, the day Christ the Son of God was born.

When we can greet each other with ‘Merry Christmas!’

Hugs, kisses, and gifts will be the norm as we celebrate this happy morning.

© 2023 Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

Dec 16, 2023



There is light in the cabin tonight.

Who dared to journey the weathers is not right.

Snow is thick on the forest floor.

With ice crunchy and dangerous lurking below.

The car is on a stop, start, push, shove.

Burning within, one hand freezing having lost a glove.

The cabin appeared out of the gloom.

At last out of the car, head down and a trudge up the hill.

Slipping and sliding, puffing with packs wearing you down

A quick lookup, five more steps and key in the door.

No welcome yet till the generator comes on, lights and fire are aglow.

Time to glance at the approaching night and the sight of the moon.

Before closing the door, allowing the warmth

Of love to be shared and overflowing with in the room.

2023 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay

Dec 15, 2023



Give us a clue: what do you want for Christmas?

I told Father Christmas I would help him this year, to catch up with his orders which were way out of line, because the weather and war had turned the world upside down.

The gift supplies he relied on were becoming difficult to find. Expensive toys by many were being declined. It was not expensive toys people were requesting this time. Clothing, shoes, gloves, hats, warm blankets, food to eat and somewhere warm to sleep.

Santa was working as hard as he could to ensure as many of the wishes he could keep. In between essentials, he slipped a book and a toy for each girl and boy.

He asked the reindeer and their herdsmen to bring in piles of wood, to be delivered to those most in need, as fast as they possibly could.

The word spread: Santa is in trouble. He needs a hand.

Governments are signing agreements to allow borders to be crossed faster than planned. Multiple lorries are met by little white vans, people anxiously gather, to take the gifts away. To save some, to be brought out as important surprises on Christmas Day.

Father Christmas was delighted with all the help coming his way. As it reminded him of that day long ago, when a baby was born and had nowhere to go.

When people from far and wide arrived bearing gifts. Gifts to ensure the precious baby would live. It was the first Christmas message to be sent around the world.

Father Christmas gave a sigh of satisfaction as the gifts were transported away, taking goodwill and the hope of peace, to be shared by many on the fast-approaching Christmas Day.

© 2023 Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

Dec 14, 2023



Christmas is a very exciting but busy time for me.

The elves are making toys.

The reindeer are practising their sleigh runs.

And I'm busy preparing my list of who's been good this year.

I will be getting my sleigh ready for the long journey!

I'm looking forward to delivering your presents on Christmas Eve!

I would love a mince pie and a few carrots for the reindeer! 

But only If you have some to spare. Or just a note of thanks from you would be wonderful to see. 

Santa Claus

© 2023 Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

Dec 13, 2023



Christmas has started in my house, a very kind neighbour climbed into our loft and brought our Christmas tree down and decorated it with her young son in our lounge.

The multicoloured small lights are twinkling, the baubles sparkling and dangling, some of which have personal stories and memories attached. The mere sight of the tree and its Christmas message has lifted the spirit of this house.

The other evening I was driven to a Christmas meal with my WI Ladies. The Christmas decorations on the outside and in the windows of the houses on the main road were a delight to see.

How are you all doing?

© 2023 Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License 



Suddenly Christmas is knocking on my door, I have to start to dress my tree and decorate the room before we put the welcome wreath on the front door.

Stocking up goodies in my kitchen cupboard, not too early or a large mouse might start sampling. I have been listening carefully for hints of what might be useful Christmas presents to give.

I went to buy my favourite perfume, but when browsing a voice said, “You do not need that!”

A hint it might be coming my way. I thought my young man had forgotten and I was getting down to my last few drops. One of my planned gifts for him, is not necessary now, as he brought his own shoehorn. So I will have to resume my search for some other useful gifts.

© 2023 Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

Dec 12, 2023



The snow-dressed beach few have come to stroll

Leaving it free for seagulls to patrol

Even they are reluctant to fly in search of food to eat.

Just huddled together for warmth in buildings draft proof retreats.

Before being driven by hunger and a competitive streak

To battle one another for food to eat in the ocean or on the street.

2023 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo by Discover Worthing

Dec 11, 2023



We’ve been buying presents at a very slow rate.

Now the panic is on to make sure we are not too late.

Do we have beautiful paper for our special presents to wrap them tenderly?

Or do we find some from the wrapping leftover from years long past?

Where is the string, or do we now have some new sticky fancy stuff?

Does it sparkle when twisted, or do we have some spray to cover up?

What about the labels will they match the paper, or do we leave them off?

And scrawl in our best writing, our love and big kisses all over our gift.

It is fun wrapping Christmas Presents, and giving them to those we love.

We will place them around the Christmas tree, before going upstairs to sleep, with our tasks well done.

© 2023 Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

Dec 10, 2023



I have been practising, practising for a month it is true, but never thought I would lose my shoe.

Oh me, oh my, what am I to do?

I am Wobbling dot and carry one, I will not be able to go on the Christmas run.

I have been practising, practising, practising, it has been such fun.

Now I will have to stay at home and miss all the celebrations.

“Rudolf! Rudolf! Wake up, wake up, it will soon be time to go.”

“What! Oh! Oh!” I must have been having a nightmare.

Now I remember, I am a reindeer and wear no metal shoes! 


© 2023 Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

Dec 9, 2023



Have you seen a snowman?

They are becoming hard to find.

So when the north wind does blow, 

We might be able to see snow.

The first flurries of snow with swirls 

And cold brushes descend to tickle your nose 

And to prance on your eyelashes.

Bringing roses to your cheeks allows laughter to burst free.

Wrap up and roll the snow as fast as you can, 

To build a super-duper lovely snowman.

© 2023 Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

Dec 8, 2023



The clock is ticking for Christmas and trees are being erected in the most advantageous spots, to show off their lights and ornaments to add sparkle and colour at this festive time of the year.

If you’re like me, your ornaments have their own little stories and importance from parts of your life. I’m always sad when one is broken, so they are ever so gently attached to the tree.

When everything is arranged, the room lights are turned off, and we wait for a few moments in the dark, with a glass of wine or a soft drink, before turning on the tree lights.

At that moment, Christmas has begun. We just have to attach the welcoming wreath, very firmly, to the outside of the front door. 

These days, the winds seem more blustery; or is that just my imagination?

Happy Holidays!

© 2023 Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License



Each year we climb into the loft to gently carry your boxed branches down, then, with a bit of a push and shove, we expand your limbs for us, with love and thought, to carefully colourfully dress with tinsel and baubles dangling.

You may not know it but there are two very powerful feelings I have, over the years, to you connected.

One is the excitement and anticipation of the year's most happy Christian family celebration and welcome.

Two is the sadness at seeing my family leave, combined with the nostalgia of undressing you and storing you away again.

Each year wherever I have been I have brought back a new decoration.

Each bauble has its own story and memory to touch me, as I unravel your connections leaving you naked and bare.

Then, with a sad ceremony, up into the loft, we struggle to place you safely for another year.

In silence I return to the room where you had been standing, it now looks sad and strangely empty, as we have become used to you being there.

© 2023 Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

Dec 7, 2023



Christmas is coming; the weather is changing; a cloak of cold and darkness creeps in.

Yet it appears only in one half of our world, while the other half bathes in hot sunshine and tropical rain, both celebrating the same religious occasion. 

Wherever it is celebrated, it is a gathering together of families and friends, with the sharing of gifts and food, and a catch-up on news and stories of celebrations past.

It is a time of patching up differences, where possible. A time of thinking of those who are no longer with us and much missed.

A time of welcoming the newborn now in our midst. Time also to welcome a stranger who may be on their own.

All over the world, it is not just Christians who share times like this; all religions do.

They share their hopes of peace, tranquillity, good harvests, and friendships, giving thanks to God in their own way, for all the goodness he has bestowed on them, and for hard times he has seen them through; asking for forgiveness for thoughts and acts only he knows since, as mere humans, we need to do that, too.

Hopefully, when the celebrations are over, and we move into the year ahead, most of us will be united to seek love,  peace, and good stewardship of this precious place called Earth.

Never forget to tell those you love how much they mean to you. Let not time come between you, as it is constantly moving away.

Here at WobblingPen we love all who pop by for a read, a listen or a chat. We are just delighted when we have comments to read from you, too.

Must close now, as I have to find a willing pair of hands to transport the Christmas tree from the cold in the loft to the warmth in the lounge, to become the focus of joy during our Christmas festivities.

Stay safe, and spread a smile and a bit of kindness when you safely can.

© 2023 Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen
Photo: Pixabay License

Dec 6, 2023




On this wet, cold, miserable, early morning, without leaving my comfortable chair in the lounge, I have been transported on an emotional journey by the TV. With a flick of a button, transported thousands of miles and across oceans to a place which, in many aspects, other than in war time, has stood still. The quest was to find Shangri-La, the mythical place that stimulated a writer to write a book called Shangri-La. Is it real, or found not to be?

I once flew over this amazing area in daylight, or close to it. How can people live down there, I wondered. The land looked as if it had been pushed by gigantic force into a jagged, rugged, concertina-like, mountainous area, where life could be sustained only in some of the beautiful valleys. 

The programme transported me, by Jeep and on foot, with the presenter (historian Michael Wood), into a world I would never have been able to see, meeting and listening to people rarely visited. “Do you know Shangri-La?” was his anxious enquiry. “No! We have knowledge of James Hilton the writer, as told to us by the elders in the village where he stayed.”

Michael gently probed and asked if he could be shown the village. They escorted him through the village, introducing people and places of interest. He was coming to the conclusion that this may have been the inspiration for Shangri-La, a place where peace and love stood still.

Up the hill, he was escorted to their ancestral graveyard, where current reality struck. Gravestones were upended, bones scattered all over the place, mixed up. This was an act of pure hatred! Why?

The eternal trigger: religion. They were non-Muslims, surrounded by Muslim countries. Their valley and ones nearby supported 80,000 people; now only about 2,000 remain. Their life was precarious, no longer an example of that sought-after place called Shangri-La.

I slipped back into my life in the lounge, safe but sad at what I had witnessed, at the roof of the world and at the crossroads of several countries. Yet, after generations of struggle, peace is not embedded there. Still, I dare to hope for change.

H Happiness

O Opportunity 

P  for People

E Everywhere


From the BBC documentary series In Search of Myths and Legends, presented by historian Michael Wood.

© 2023 Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

Dec 4, 2023



Every time I see a thatched cottage like this, memories come flooding back of holiday visits to a lovely friend who lived in one. 

I’d descend from sleep at six in the morning, to tuck myself up in a chair in a blanket, with my tablet in hand and a clear view of the 10th-century church tower and clock, a cat nestling on my slipper, and the warmth from the fire radiating a warm feeling. 

As I cuddle a hot tea in hand, allowing the words to slide out and fill a page on my tablet, a new story has arrived. 

Wonderful memories now appear of my friend, too, when I look at this picture you have shared. 

© 2023 Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

Oops A Scary Moment

Dec 1, 2023



The fox is down the garden, viewing a sunny spot in the corner by the fishpond.

He makes his way towards it, sniffs and turns around and around.

Lowering himself gently into the sunny, cosy spot he has found.

He shuffles a bit more to make room to tuck his four paws underneath his body.

With his bushy tail covering them, to keep them nicely warm on top.

He takes another glance, with his head and ears up, to make sure it’s a safe place to be lulled by the warmth for a much-needed sleep.

After a night of hunting and chasing all to grab a tasty feed.

Down goes his head as he bathes in the gift of some winter sun.

Before having to slope off underground in the dark when others come out to play. 

I hope tomorrow will be another sunny winter’s day.

© 2023 Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen