Dec 1, 2023



The fox is down the garden, viewing a sunny spot in the corner by the fishpond.

He makes his way towards it, sniffs and turns around and around.

Lowering himself gently into the sunny, cosy spot he has found.

He shuffles a bit more to make room to tuck his four paws underneath his body.

With his bushy tail covering them, to keep them nicely warm on top.

He takes another glance, with his head and ears up, to make sure it’s a safe place to be lulled by the warmth for a much-needed sleep.

After a night of hunting and chasing all to grab a tasty feed.

Down goes his head as he bathes in the gift of some winter sun.

Before having to slope off underground in the dark when others come out to play. 

I hope tomorrow will be another sunny winter’s day.

© 2023 Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

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