Dec 31, 2023


The excitement grows as time ticks on.

A train to be ready to run on new rails, a big national clock to at last be unveiled.

Homes and residents cleaned within an inch of their lives,

Traveller is doing their best to reach home for the unmissable time.

Indoors the tables are laden with good things to eat, bottles of drink, alcoholic and other less potent brews, with sparkling glasses displayed, ready to swing into use.

Television switched on as in anticipation we waited for the clocks and bells to strike, The Old Year out and The New Year in.

The glasses raised and clashed, air kisses and untouchable hugs delivered all around. 

Then the bash on the door declared the first footer had arrived, with a lump of coal to bring good luck inside.

A Piper pipes in the New Year outside in the dark.

Inside tears and laughter with hope well mixed as the ghosts of the past mingle with us too, pulling out memories of the things we used to do.

A voice calls out, a moment, to say farewell to the past and welcome to this New Year’s Day.

© 2023 Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

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