Dec 25, 2023



The Season of Peace and Goodwill has arrived with a story told and retold, and celebrated by millions and millions around the world.

This year, it would be easy to dwell on all the shortcomings of those words. Not here; please think of all the good news stories and greetings waiting to be shared. There have been so many, in some cases heartwarming, tales. Send yours to as many people as you can and read them out to friends when you are gathered together during this season of goodwill.

This year has been very challenging for so many, at home, at work and in the world at large. No work, no home, no food, no family, no limbs, no love, just loneliness. Yet there is much work to do. Take a look around your neighbourhood: is there something you can do? Need is all around us.

I trundled up with my sturdy three-wheeler to the Square 1 Café, the only place I can manage to go by myself. It is just up the road. There was no room at my usual table, so I sat at another. It opened up a whole new area of interest and support. Sitting opposite me were the lady and gentleman who started this venture now rapidly expanding. It was a service started by them over their garden wall during Covid, to give food freely to those who were struggling. It has grown into a café, where people can sit together and be served food, listening, caring and laughing, and taking them away from whatever might be pressing at home.

The gentleman asked me if I would write his story for him. So we have decided to meet and discuss if we can work together, and if he likes my style of writing. I would be honoured to do so, if it feels right for him.

Another lady sat on my other side. We had not met before and began chatting. Soon, she mentioned the recent loss of her husband and having a sick cat, and we held hands together in a few moments of comfort. I gave her a WobblingPen card and invited her to spend time with me after the holiday. I felt we could exchange skills and perhaps between us help others. A smile lit up her face for a few moments and she said she would be in touch.

Yet another man joined my table in a chair next to me. He was a Radio Jackie DJ who had been entertaining us. We introduced ourselves. I asked how long he had worked there? He said, “If I remember correctly, about 25 years plus.” I gave him my card, explaining about WobblingPen, and he said he would be in touch with me.

So you see, if I had not gone out, I would have missed all these wonderful new friendships and experiences. Be brave, step out and be prepared for new and amazing happenings.

Wishing you all the very best for this Christmas season, and thank you for following WobblingPen, as many of you do. We very much enjoy your company and the stories and lives you share with us. Looking forward to meeting again in the New Year ahead.

Love from all of us.

2023 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen
Photo: Pixabay License

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