Dec 23, 2023



Sitting alone in a silent church allowing all my troubles to sit on a pew.

As I gazed ahead at the altar lit by a single candle’s fluttering light.

Watching the dancing reflections on the base of the candle holder so bright.

Trying to assemble my thoughts of Christmas Services long past.

When people would be packed in, in their finery waiting for the service to start.

Children bobbing up and down whispering, giggling, fidgeting, 

Turning hymn books upside down.

The expectancy of the service is now about to start.

With the organist in place, the first chord is struck.

As the choir procession and clergy make their way to the front.

Music sheets are held firmly as the first Carol of the day is sung.

I drew myself back from the memory of so long ago.

Whispering my prayers in the emptiness, no one there to hear.

I left for home enlightened singing a Carol loudly along with the Country Lane.

Before realising I left all my problems behind on the pew.

Ahead lay festivities and all those I hold most dear.

© 2023 Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

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