Dec 19, 2023



Mum had been up on Christmas morning, checking everything was ready in the fridge to put out hot or cold later that day.

All was well until she couldn’t find the Christmas pudding. The plate was there, but the pudding was gone.

She searched the fridge, moving things to and fro, wondering where the pudding had gone. She searched around the floor, in case it had rolled out when someone tugged on the door.

No pudding was in sight, and she was becoming upset, as the family always expected a Christmas pudding. Where has it gone? 

She wandered into the lounge. There, sitting beneath the tree, in silver paper tightly bound and red ribbon dressed, was the Christmas pudding, looking its very best.

A smile was stuck on it, and a note which said ‘Merry Christmas, Mum, for all the Christmas puddings for us you have made. This will be the best, as we have led you on a merry chase. 

© 2023 Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

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