Dec 22, 2023



It has started, a trickle at first but gathering pace; the first cards sent by the early birds. It has galvanised me into action to start writing and sending out mine.

I’m very grateful to have a large collection of unused Christmas cards gathered by myself and my family over the years. Do you have a secret supply, too?

The odd parcel has arrived, announced by our musical doorbell: mainly gadgets necessary for house repairs or improving audio equipment we already have, ready for the family.

I have inspected the cupboards in a desperate attempt to make room to pack in my husband’s ‘buy three, get one free’ Christmas home delivery of dry goods. This task then extended to the more difficult task of finding space in the fridge and freezer for the perishable eatables. They are both quite full, due to my husband’s inability to refuse a bargain. 

His solution? “We must eat as much as we can before Christmas. What’ll we have tonight?” 

My cry: “I can’t. I’m weight-watching to keep my weight down ready for surgery in the new year.” 

So we will have to give some to the neighbours to freeze, if they have spare capacity, and share with us.

The turkey is providing us with an advanced headache this year. As fast as my husband tried to book a delivery slot near Christmas with our usual supermarket, they filled up. Before discussing it with me, he grabbed one for 19 December.

Together, we mulled over the condition the turkey would be in if it was kept languishing that long in the fridge. We decided it was too risky, so we’d go for a frozen turkey instead. It can reside in the freezer for a few days before being transferred to the fridge for gradual thawing, ready for the big day.

So, a warning to others who rely on home deliveries for your food supplies: book now and start your order. You can always add to it, but you need the vital date established.

When we went to look at our booked date, there were no more slots for that day. Glad we grabbed ours when we did! If you’re not quick, you might be sorry.

My heart goes out to those in the world with no food, and I’ll be taking quite a bit of ours to charities who can share it with those in need. If you have food to spare, think about sharing. Invite those living on their own to join you for meals over the Christmas period, or longer if you can manage it.

This world of ours needs a bit of sharing care, love and friendship. Just look around to see what you might be able to do.

© 2023 Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

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