Dec 24, 2023



In the house on Christmas day with lights ablaze,

Food loving prepared, ladened on the table.

Awaiting hungry eaters to participate.

With cries of joy at favourite flavours found 

Piling plates are unable to deny the temptation.

Then sitting companionably to eat and chatter.

Till eyes looked out the window and saw

The house opposite has no glowing lights.

No smoke slowly floated away from the chimney top.

No music or joyous noise, just the feeling of sadness.

There is plenty here for us, 

Can we see if we can share it?

A knock, an invitation to please join us, 

It is Christmas time!

Did they come? Or did they refuse? 

We will never know if we don’t ask!

Let us extend a hand and all have a Merry Christmas.

© 2023 Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

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