Dec 31, 2023



The clock strikes, hugs and kisses are shared.

A new page is turning as we prepare to step into 2024.

Full of hopes for goodness and peace to cloak our world we really do.

Let nature play it’s part in growing food enough for all,

Curtailing destructive habits that hurt us in the past it is true.

Let us increase our recycling, to cleanse the land and sea.

Decreasing wasteful use of energy, leaving enough to be shared.

With hopes of more homes so no one sleeps on the street.

Wars to cease creating peaceful lands, it that too much to wish for.

Creative brains thinking, planning, more work for waiting hands.

The final strike is about letting love, peace and truth cloak our lands.

Raising my pen I prepare to write the first words and stories for 2024.

Happy New Year, let peace and good health be with you wherever you might live, is my fervent wish.

The clock is now silent but ticking still.

2023 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

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