Dec 15, 2023



Give us a clue: what do you want for Christmas?

I told Father Christmas I would help him this year, to catch up with his orders which were way out of line, because the weather and war had turned the world upside down.

The gift supplies he relied on were becoming difficult to find. Expensive toys by many were being declined. It was not expensive toys people were requesting this time. Clothing, shoes, gloves, hats, warm blankets, food to eat and somewhere warm to sleep.

Santa was working as hard as he could to ensure as many of the wishes he could keep. In between essentials, he slipped a book and a toy for each girl and boy.

He asked the reindeer and their herdsmen to bring in piles of wood, to be delivered to those most in need, as fast as they possibly could.

The word spread: Santa is in trouble. He needs a hand.

Governments are signing agreements to allow borders to be crossed faster than planned. Multiple lorries are met by little white vans, people anxiously gather, to take the gifts away. To save some, to be brought out as important surprises on Christmas Day.

Father Christmas was delighted with all the help coming his way. As it reminded him of that day long ago, when a baby was born and had nowhere to go.

When people from far and wide arrived bearing gifts. Gifts to ensure the precious baby would live. It was the first Christmas message to be sent around the world.

Father Christmas gave a sigh of satisfaction as the gifts were transported away, taking goodwill and the hope of peace, to be shared by many on the fast-approaching Christmas Day.

© 2023 Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

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