Jan 31, 2023



Spaghetti junction at first glance it seems.

Yet, in my brain, many more journeys are following seamlessly.

Messages rushing to and fro at speed for instant connection of speech, hearing, touch and sight.

Traffic lights of stop and go, preventing overload of emotions of the dangerous kind.

Providing enough space for words of love, kindness and care to flow freely through. 

Allowing me time to really know you.

2023 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License




Give me tune, a lively one will do, that I can dance about vigorously to.

Play me a romantic melody I can sing out loud, gently taking listeners back to the romance and excitement of their day, encouraging them to sing along with the chorus, allowing memories long locked away to come flooding back.

Sweep me off my feet with an orchestra grand, in full flow, stimulating my imagination, releasing new thinking with their emotional playing.

Music has the power to move and change feelings at all levels.

From the thrilling music attached to a murder mystery, encouraging me to cover my eyes, to the lovely words delivered by the hero, with music that lingers and lingers around in my head.

Now, a lullaby is needed as my day has just come to an end, as I curl up in bed and let the music comfortably take me away as it flows.

2023 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

Jan 29, 2023



Have you really stopped to look into the wild long grass?

If you did, you might stop to linger and not hurry so quickly past.

A bird flutters over the grass, to and fro, looking for a stalk of a very particular kind to weave into its nest.

It sees one and pulls and pulls, and by chance brushes the pollen from a pretty white and pink wild rose and startles a bee causing it to fly hurriedly on its way.

Down in the roots ants scurry to and fro trying to wriggle and push interesting bundles through the stalks, as fast as they possibly can.

On their travels, they bump into hurrying clusters of grey, ribbed backed woodlice, with Peekaboo feet.

If you look up the stalks, the ants are still on the march up and down in long busy lines.

Passing without stopping a ladybird waiting patiently for green-fly to settle for her to eat, all gardeners love ladybirds.

A butterfly lightly descends to kiss the sweet nectar from a pretty wildflower.

While she is busy up comes a snail to eat a tender green leaf dangling temptingly within its reach.

© 2023  Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

Jan 28, 2023




Who is that rustling in the bushes,

Come out and let me see.

If you are gentle we could become good friends

If bad I will scramble up the nearest tree.

Oh, you are a very brave little Kiwi.

Where is your mum, you should not stroll far,

Stay alert, as there are possums, cats, and rats around.

They would snap you up with teeth, claws and a snarl.

I so want you to carry your genes into the future

As you have in this land up till now, just managed to survive.

Help is at hand with traps to catch those that are cruelly after you.

I now feel hopeful, you and your offspring are going to survive.

© 2023 Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

Jan 27, 2023




I want to change! I want to change!

To start thinking in a different way.

I don’t want to remain the same.

What do I choose? 

What shall I be?

I want to change! 

I want to change part of me!

Perfection is not the answer; 

It does not suit me.

If I could only learn something, 

Just not too much. 

I would love to have: 

A computer knowledge brain transplant.

Bone cementing in a few essential spots, 

Would improve my walking and dancing, 

Stopping my hesitation.

I want to change! I want to change!

I would like to be merry enough, 

To spread laughter gently around, 

To light up the lonely, 

Making them smile, 

Causing eyes to sparkle.

I would love a dog at my feet, 

A cat purring on my lap.

I just want to change, 

A bit, sometimes.

2023 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

Jan 23, 2023




Dare I breathe,

Dare I sigh at the first glimpse of love.

The sight that first connected us was brief.

Yet I kept going over it for weeks.

We met again, my heart patted out a joyful beat.

As we moved closer and I attempted to speak

You smiled, giving encouragement to my advance.

We stumbled through our first few words,

Gathering names, phone numbers and addresses

Ending our brief conversation full of hesitations.

The weeks passed,

Before we shared a coffee, a laugh, a touch.

Tentatively love grew and I came to love you so much.

Daily trusts began we hugged, kissed,

Not a moment to be missed.

Till the day I asked for your hand,

'Will you marry me?'

'Yes,' came your reply, 'but my father has to agree.'

Convention at the time dictated that request

Before you could give yourself to me.

In memory of that day and all we have had together since,

Will you once again be my ever-loving Valentine?

© 2023 Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License




Did you say?

Did I look away?

Did you try?

Did I just not hear?

Did I try to make it better?

As a dad that is what I thought I had to do.

Without really listening to what you were dying to say.

Now the moment has passed.

You have moved yourself out of our sphere and touch.

Nothing I can say.

Nothing I can do.

Nothing will bring you back.

Nothing can forgive the loss.

The pain will never go.

Never be erased.

There is hope.

Most suicides are preventable.

Listen with an open heart, don’t try to fix it.

Listen to the pain, take it on board, as I feel I never did.

Listen for as long as it takes

Listen, don't turn away.

Always encourage that difficult conversation.

We can then seek help and remain lovingly together for many a day.

Not to see you added as another statistic, 

Never here again with me, a sorrowful Dad.

© 2023 Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License



To see you laying on ice so frozen

Scooped out of the deep free ocean.

Caught never to speed down, down into the deepest sea.

Never to frolic in shoals of coloured splendour.

Now still upon a slab awaiting

To be placed upon a plate with chips

With lemon slices and salty flaky bits.

To bring pleasure to some hungry folk’s tongue and lips.

© 2023 Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

Jan 22, 2023




Oh my home, my precious home, filled with memories of love, quarrels, plans, laughter, music, singing and dancing, and celebrations of marriages and the birth of children.

How we have treasured you, from the moment we first found you as newlyweds,

Changing your interior as we could afford to, with a family expanding.

Now I am left huddled in a ruin, with you buried in the garden,

With our children scattered for safety in other lands.

Taking most of my heart with you all; even the birds have deserted us.

Only the dog and I remain cringing, giving courage and comfort to one another as bombs and missiles rain around us.

Today, we left together for essential food and water and our weekly meeting of other poor souls.

On our return: oh house! You were no longer standing, smashed to smithereens; the shock was total.

I cried and cried, wandering amongst the ruins, searching, with the dog howling and whining too in bewilderment.

Who could hate us this much and why? I have never been one to hate, yet I do now.

I hate the unseen manipulators of war who stay warm and clean,

Who send troops to roam the world, demolishing whole villages and cities, scattering and splitting the populations, in some cases forever,

Leaving wasteland and emptiness behind.

Oh house, my precious home, I never thought we would part this way. 

I hoped in the fullness of time and with age to just drift off beneath your roof.

Now I have to search and take what I can for the dog and me; not much, as I am too old to carry much.

We say goodbye to my love’s grave in the garden and walk away from you in despair, into the unknown,

The two of us, hoping to meet with kindness, friendship, family and somewhere to collectively call home.

2023 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License



We huddled together in the forest, as night fell, becoming colder and colder.

Something kept hitting me all over but, in the dark, I could not see. I took courage from my mum and all around me. It did not not seem to bother them; we just huddled closer.

In the morning, as light permeated through the trees, I could not believe what I was seeing: everywhere was covered in white.

Where are the grass and the green shooting shrubs we love to eat?

A terrible thought: what are we going to eat?

Mum said, “Fear not, son; this is all new to you, but we know what to do.  

“Stand up, shake the white stuff called snow off your fur, stretch and prance a step or two to limber up.

“Then, every now and then, dig through the snow with your hoofs,

“Searching for food newly covered, so tasty while it is fresh.

“Leave the higher branches till leaner days, when they will be all that is left.

“Keep a watch for danger hidden: bears and wolves, wild cats, too.

“As in a snowbound land we become their prey and most important dinner.”

© 2023 Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License 

Jan 21, 2023




Fire in my coal hole, steam being made, hissing and wheezing through my engine.

Pushing my wheels round as we clatter importantly along rails.

Brakes softly applied as, screeching gently, we slide around the bend.

Smoke pouring out of my smoke stack, escaping to heat and mix with freezing white air.

Hitting the nearby shrubs and trees, covering them with grey, soot-filled, frozen air.

The excitement of pushing through snow pristine white and clean.

With a whistle blowing to let anyone know who wants to listen that we are here.

As for miles our trusty engine lets the people share the excitement of a journey as its music fills the air.

For those who have never travelled, a sigh, a hope: 

“That might be me one day. I will be able to see a warm exotic place and share its romantic journey’s end. For now, speed safely on your journey till, ticket in hand, I can board you on one of your many magical steam train rides.”

© 2023 Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License



I found a pile of five nuts, lying on the ground just waiting to be cracked.

So I chose one and carried it up the hill, to my front door.

Left it there and hurried back.

I picked up another and another, it was hard work.

On the last run, I was almost at the top, when I heard a noise,

looked up, the nuts were tumbling back.

They nearly ran me over on the way past.

I grabbed one and opened it with a loud crack.

I needed something to eat to get my energy back.

Once more I climbed the hill carrying the nuts one at a time.

On the last run, they all bounced back to the bottom again

What is going on?

Why can’t they wait by my door?

I grabbed a nut and cracked it open for another good chew.

Wearily I carried on till only one was left, I clasped it close, you are not getting away from me, I said determinedly.

At last, I sat at my front door put my nut down to wipe my paws, when it took off again, this time I saw the villain it was Mr. Mole, he thought he was playing football and asked if he had scored a goal?

Thank goodness I managed to eat most of them, before stopping his little game.

© 2023 Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License



We bought a metal owl-shaped bird feeder on a spindly, twisted, slippery pole. We were assured it was completely squirrel resistant and expecting a triumph we carried it home.

On it, we hung three types of birdseed containers, dangling, to meet most seed bird's needs. It took a while for them to feel safe enough to drop in for a feed;

Cautiously flying down to inspect it before trying a single seed.

Early one morning as I opened up my curtains, I saw to my shock and dismay. A squirrel dangling from a container, holding on by only one toe, upside down and swaying, at the seeds, he was having a good go.

He pulled out the seeds with his teeth and passed them to his eagerly waiting hands. As he quickly chewed the nuts, his cheeks began to expand. Time and time again he tirelessly repeated this movement, as fast as he possibly could.

One by one the birds started to arrive, inspecting the ground for bits of seeds that might have survived. It started with sparrows, greenfinches too,

Pigeon’s strutting in quietly for a free nibble without a coo. Now we are quite pleased the feeder failed, as we have early morning squirrel and bird parties. Come to think of it! Early evening rave-ups are quite commonplace too.

Though we do not partake in the menu, laughter and stifled giggles we have more than a few. As we watched, hidden by the curtain, from the furry and feathered party revelers cautious view.

© 2023 Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

Jan 20, 2023



Tiga is a dog with brains...

Who can’t stand TV Football Games.

So with intelligence and care, she tries to influence, those watching, diligently from their chairs.

She picks on one who will appeal to her performing.

With her whimpers pathetic and constantly annoying.

Attention is drawn from the screen to her rhythmic pawing.

It’s to be put to bed, her silent begging is pleading.

So up they get to tuck her in and stop her irritating complaining.

She is left on her own, to enjoy quiet doggy dreaming.

When back they go to watch their goal furor, with whistleblowing and referee manfully controlling.

A slight commotion is seen, a tail in active motion.

She’s back to manipulate and win what she’s after, the total abandonment, of the TV, Football Game.

It is no fun lying in bed when all the others are awake, calling and shouting and getting in a state.

Time and time she makes her play, till the referee’s whistle blows, game’s end for the day.

Then with no pretense or ceremony she places her ball at feet that seem to keep on moving.

With eyes large, brown and practiced at pleading she’s ready, for live football, the game of her choosing.

Ref, please book that dog for foul and dishonest play.


© 2023 Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

Jan 19, 2023



Put it down, talk to me.

Can’t you see the gap growing between us?

As with gadget in hand, you fail to hear me calling you. Even when I know it is something you would love to do.

Put it down, talk to me. Can’t you see what you are doing to us?

I have tried hard to find the man I have lost, not to another woman! But a gadget so impersonal, with which I can’t compete.

Put it down and talk to me. Or I will walk away, leaving you alone and hands-free. To cradle the gadget that has replaced me.

Then you will see you should have, put it down and talked to me.

© 2023 Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License



Let my eyes greet the morning,

To look upon your smiling face

As in repose your beauty really showed

I watched your gentle breathing

Remembering the first day

Of your long-awaited arrival.

From that first glimpse

We were linked together

I reached to give you my tender touch

Fingers opened and grasped mine

Linked together with the bond that never broke

A truly strong bond of sisterly love.

2023 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

Jan 18, 2023




Patiently waiting in this modern age, for the appearance of a magical relic from the Victorian past. It´s arrival was announced, with a triumph shrilling hiss of escaping steam through it’s whistle and the grinding of metal on metal.

A train, a steam train, paintwork, pitch black and shining, brasses gleaming. The name Gabriel worn proudly on it´s side.

Brakes are applied to take a firm grip with shoes not designed to slip. Arriving on rails shiny and new, to show off the craftsmanship of men long gone. Now revitalized by crafts taught and handed on anew.

A triumph of engineering used in various forms of trains transporting people and essential materials used to spread civilizations around the world.

The one I am describing resides in KawaKawa New Zealand.

2023 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License



You I love! No you don’t!

I love you! I love you!

A collared dove flew swiftly by an ardent lover, calling and looming nigh.

I need no canoodling the other bird said, the horizons are calling me, to travel further and remain free.

I love you, I do, let me try to be your other half.

Not yet, I have much to see before responsibility traps me. You just have to plant your seed and go.

My responsibility is for the future not yet will I accept.

I long to see where the river meets the sea and the sunsets. To soar over hilltops and rest on luscious trees,

Talk to other birds I have never seen. Finding out where the safest place to perch and nest might be.

To land in the bird-friendly territory is my urgent plea, so stop your calls of love they are not for me.

I want to be free!

© 2023 Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

Jan 16, 2023



A lovely girl brought a puppy,

To try to cheer a lady who was sick and sad.

She had a heart that was being very bad,

Skipping a beat and doing a fandango.

I tried to look reassuring, to keep her spirits up.

Each time she looked my way, I hoped the sight,

Of my colourful patchwork coat would bring a smile to her face.

I hoped she’d find me amusing, as my tongue sticks out.

It is impossible to put it away.

I hope she begins to love me, as I so want to love her,

All I can do for the moment is to watch, wait, and hope.

That she will get well and soon be able to play.

© 2023 Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

Jan 15, 2023



It's Hat Day!

I have mine ready!
It is a wide-brimmed straw hat,
With a plaited straw ribbon and bow. 

It is very comfortable, 
And keeps me shaded, 
On very sunny days.

I have to hang on to, 
It if it is windy or else it starts,
An adventure of it’s own. 

With everyone chasing it!

Hope you have: 
An adventurous hat day!

2023 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen
Photo: Pixabay License

Jan 13, 2023



I am Sally!

A very well-treated and upper-class cat.

A fake diamond collar is worn around my neck,

So I sparkle and dazzle each time 

I give a quick shake.

Brushing and grooming 

Happen every day of my life,

A puff of an odour dispenser 

Wafts smells out of the way.

They once tried to, 

Colour my nails, 

I strongly objected,

All I will tolerate is a quick 

Clip around my toes.

I have to let them do that, 

As nails start turning back,

Digging into my pads, 

Changing my gait to an alley cat.

The bit I hate 

And starts me loudly cat-a-walling.

Is when I am dipped in the bath.

Claws are out my sharp teeth too, 

As I protest with you.

To stop this infringement of my cat rights,

I have to remind you, 

We are protected you know,

They won’t always let you do to us, 

What you want to do.

Meals I am real fussy, 

I like salmon and shrimp,

Don’t give me scraps, 

As I turn my nose up at them.

My toilet tray has to be pristine 

Otherwise you will stand

In something,

You never intended or planned.

In company, 

I am choosy and I know who I like.

The ones that I don’t, receive a quick bite,

Or scratch on the nose, or masses of fur that sticks, 

On their expensive dark clothes.

The ones I love I hardly leave alone,

I follow them around 

Everywhere in the home.

Yes! I do adore being,

Sally the Upper-Class Cat for sure.

© 2023 Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay 

Jan 12, 2023




When is a song not a song?
When words are few and not strung all the way through.
When is music not a song?
When the music plays madly leaving the lyric silently behind.
A song is when the music and lyrics join in perfection,
And sweep you along in celebration, shutting out all else magic.

© 2023 Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen
Photo: Pixabay License

Jan 11, 2023



On rising to see a splendid dawn and catch sight of dew and mist slipping down, to bring life to the struggling roots of plants, so they can grow into sustaining crops, we have freely scattered on fertile ground.

Awakening to see the noonday hot sun, working to provide a harvest of green, red and golden, with rain showers passing from time to time invigorating all, as they sweep through, with a breeze to keep things cool.

The bounty as lunch appears, satisfying all.

Awakening to the afternoon and calming down. Resting after labours constant weary demands, to till, plant and water our most precious land.

As evening calls some family fun begins. 

Thankfulness for who we are here and now.

Awakening to another day and the knowledge we have much to be thankful for.

2023 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License