Jan 13, 2023



I am Sally!

A very well-treated and upper-class cat.

A fake diamond collar is worn around my neck,

So I sparkle and dazzle each time 

I give a quick shake.

Brushing and grooming 

Happen every day of my life,

A puff of an odour dispenser 

Wafts smells out of the way.

They once tried to, 

Colour my nails, 

I strongly objected,

All I will tolerate is a quick 

Clip around my toes.

I have to let them do that, 

As nails start turning back,

Digging into my pads, 

Changing my gait to an alley cat.

The bit I hate 

And starts me loudly cat-a-walling.

Is when I am dipped in the bath.

Claws are out my sharp teeth too, 

As I protest with you.

To stop this infringement of my cat rights,

I have to remind you, 

We are protected you know,

They won’t always let you do to us, 

What you want to do.

Meals I am real fussy, 

I like salmon and shrimp,

Don’t give me scraps, 

As I turn my nose up at them.

My toilet tray has to be pristine 

Otherwise you will stand

In something,

You never intended or planned.

In company, 

I am choosy and I know who I like.

The ones that I don’t, receive a quick bite,

Or scratch on the nose, or masses of fur that sticks, 

On their expensive dark clothes.

The ones I love I hardly leave alone,

I follow them around 

Everywhere in the home.

Yes! I do adore being,

Sally the Upper-Class Cat for sure.

© 2023 Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay 

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