Jan 27, 2023




I want to change! I want to change!

To start thinking in a different way.

I don’t want to remain the same.

What do I choose? 

What shall I be?

I want to change! 

I want to change part of me!

Perfection is not the answer; 

It does not suit me.

If I could only learn something, 

Just not too much. 

I would love to have: 

A computer knowledge brain transplant.

Bone cementing in a few essential spots, 

Would improve my walking and dancing, 

Stopping my hesitation.

I want to change! I want to change!

I would like to be merry enough, 

To spread laughter gently around, 

To light up the lonely, 

Making them smile, 

Causing eyes to sparkle.

I would love a dog at my feet, 

A cat purring on my lap.

I just want to change, 

A bit, sometimes.

2023 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

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