Jan 29, 2023



Have you really stopped to look into the wild long grass?

If you did, you might stop to linger and not hurry so quickly past.

A bird flutters over the grass, to and fro, looking for a stalk of a very particular kind to weave into its nest.

It sees one and pulls and pulls, and by chance brushes the pollen from a pretty white and pink wild rose and startles a bee causing it to fly hurriedly on its way.

Down in the roots ants scurry to and fro trying to wriggle and push interesting bundles through the stalks, as fast as they possibly can.

On their travels, they bump into hurrying clusters of grey, ribbed backed woodlice, with Peekaboo feet.

If you look up the stalks, the ants are still on the march up and down in long busy lines.

Passing without stopping a ladybird waiting patiently for green-fly to settle for her to eat, all gardeners love ladybirds.

A butterfly lightly descends to kiss the sweet nectar from a pretty wildflower.

While she is busy up comes a snail to eat a tender green leaf dangling temptingly within its reach.

© 2023  Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

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