Jan 21, 2023




Fire in my coal hole, steam being made, hissing and wheezing through my engine.

Pushing my wheels round as we clatter importantly along rails.

Brakes softly applied as, screeching gently, we slide around the bend.

Smoke pouring out of my smoke stack, escaping to heat and mix with freezing white air.

Hitting the nearby shrubs and trees, covering them with grey, soot-filled, frozen air.

The excitement of pushing through snow pristine white and clean.

With a whistle blowing to let anyone know who wants to listen that we are here.

As for miles our trusty engine lets the people share the excitement of a journey as its music fills the air.

For those who have never travelled, a sigh, a hope: 

“That might be me one day. I will be able to see a warm exotic place and share its romantic journey’s end. For now, speed safely on your journey till, ticket in hand, I can board you on one of your many magical steam train rides.”

© 2023 Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

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