Jan 21, 2023



I found a pile of five nuts, lying on the ground just waiting to be cracked.

So I chose one and carried it up the hill, to my front door.

Left it there and hurried back.

I picked up another and another, it was hard work.

On the last run, I was almost at the top, when I heard a noise,

looked up, the nuts were tumbling back.

They nearly ran me over on the way past.

I grabbed one and opened it with a loud crack.

I needed something to eat to get my energy back.

Once more I climbed the hill carrying the nuts one at a time.

On the last run, they all bounced back to the bottom again

What is going on?

Why can’t they wait by my door?

I grabbed a nut and cracked it open for another good chew.

Wearily I carried on till only one was left, I clasped it close, you are not getting away from me, I said determinedly.

At last, I sat at my front door put my nut down to wipe my paws, when it took off again, this time I saw the villain it was Mr. Mole, he thought he was playing football and asked if he had scored a goal?

Thank goodness I managed to eat most of them, before stopping his little game.

© 2023 Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

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