Jan 18, 2023



You I love! No you don’t!

I love you! I love you!

A collared dove flew swiftly by an ardent lover, calling and looming nigh.

I need no canoodling the other bird said, the horizons are calling me, to travel further and remain free.

I love you, I do, let me try to be your other half.

Not yet, I have much to see before responsibility traps me. You just have to plant your seed and go.

My responsibility is for the future not yet will I accept.

I long to see where the river meets the sea and the sunsets. To soar over hilltops and rest on luscious trees,

Talk to other birds I have never seen. Finding out where the safest place to perch and nest might be.

To land in the bird-friendly territory is my urgent plea, so stop your calls of love they are not for me.

I want to be free!

© 2023 Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

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