Jan 23, 2023




Dare I breathe,

Dare I sigh at the first glimpse of love.

The sight that first connected us was brief.

Yet I kept going over it for weeks.

We met again, my heart patted out a joyful beat.

As we moved closer and I attempted to speak

You smiled, giving encouragement to my advance.

We stumbled through our first few words,

Gathering names, phone numbers and addresses

Ending our brief conversation full of hesitations.

The weeks passed,

Before we shared a coffee, a laugh, a touch.

Tentatively love grew and I came to love you so much.

Daily trusts began we hugged, kissed,

Not a moment to be missed.

Till the day I asked for your hand,

'Will you marry me?'

'Yes,' came your reply, 'but my father has to agree.'

Convention at the time dictated that request

Before you could give yourself to me.

In memory of that day and all we have had together since,

Will you once again be my ever-loving Valentine?

© 2023 Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

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