Jan 11, 2023



On rising to see a splendid dawn and catch sight of dew and mist slipping down, to bring life to the struggling roots of plants, so they can grow into sustaining crops, we have freely scattered on fertile ground.

Awakening to see the noonday hot sun, working to provide a harvest of green, red and golden, with rain showers passing from time to time invigorating all, as they sweep through, with a breeze to keep things cool.

The bounty as lunch appears, satisfying all.

Awakening to the afternoon and calming down. Resting after labours constant weary demands, to till, plant and water our most precious land.

As evening calls some family fun begins. 

Thankfulness for who we are here and now.

Awakening to another day and the knowledge we have much to be thankful for.

2023 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

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