Jan 22, 2023



We huddled together in the forest, as night fell, becoming colder and colder.

Something kept hitting me all over but, in the dark, I could not see. I took courage from my mum and all around me. It did not not seem to bother them; we just huddled closer.

In the morning, as light permeated through the trees, I could not believe what I was seeing: everywhere was covered in white.

Where are the grass and the green shooting shrubs we love to eat?

A terrible thought: what are we going to eat?

Mum said, “Fear not, son; this is all new to you, but we know what to do.  

“Stand up, shake the white stuff called snow off your fur, stretch and prance a step or two to limber up.

“Then, every now and then, dig through the snow with your hoofs,

“Searching for food newly covered, so tasty while it is fresh.

“Leave the higher branches till leaner days, when they will be all that is left.

“Keep a watch for danger hidden: bears and wolves, wild cats, too.

“As in a snowbound land we become their prey and most important dinner.”

© 2023 Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License 

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