Jun 29, 2020


Itch and scratch front and back,
It's in my skin, I'm under attack.

I can't go out or sit without,
Tearing my skin and wriggling about.

Yet no-one can say why I am this way,
It could be in my genes, beyond my control,
Or from my food chemically sprayed,
Or washed in the clothes I wear each day.

I'm not to know, but off I go,
Itch and Scratch,
Itch and Scratch.

© 2020 Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen
Photo: Pixabay License 


Darkness has slipped the sky.
Fish slumbering under lily pads lie.
The pump jumps on, yet still,
They do not awake.

Until food is scattered and tantalizingly flows their way,
They’re awake in an instant.
Rushing up and down,
Passing each other, covering quite a distance.

Once the feast has been consumed,
Back with heads docked under lily pads,
And tails swishing gently for balance in the sun,
Settle down once more for a quiet snooze.

© Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen
Photo: Pixabay License


A doorway opens wide, welcoming me in,
A friendly man stood, holding out his hand,
A smile, a word, a book exchanged,
I glanced around to see where I should go.

I walked in, chose a pew and sat,
Head bowed in prayer and the music played,
Heard God's word spoken and sermon relayed,
Hearts uplifted we sang our praise and joy.

The service over, out we flowed,
Several people were introduced,
Some handed out biscuits and coffee poured,
Welcome I felt, welcome I was, welcome I will be again.

© 2020 Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen
Photo: Pixabay License 


I don’t fit in, I never do.

My hair’s out of fashion
My now bulky shoes should be
three inches high, sleek and shiny.

Nose studs are out
and belly button trims shine with bling.

Clothes once earthy and shapeless,
Now are supposed to cling tightly,
Molding to every bit of me that nips in.

I don’t fit into the fashionable moment.
I am an individual and that should do.

© 2020 Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen
Photo: Pixabay License 


Humanities, inhumanity to Humanity, 
Defies belief or understanding.
It just carries fear, loathing, starvation and isolation.

Humanities respect, compassion and understanding 
Rewards with love, laughter and sharing with all.

The choice is ours.

© 2020 Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen
Photo: Pixabay License 

Jun 28, 2020


While on holiday in Spain, my husband promised me a meringue and coffee in our favourite café. I sat near the window staring out at the brightly lit marble promenade. The golden sand was just visible, shown up by the froth of the sea and the inky black backdrop of night. There were very few walkers as it was bitterly cold, it had snowed briefly that day for the first time in living memory.

My attention was drawn to an old man who was all hunched up against the wind. He had a flat cap on his head, scarf firmly anchored into his waistcoat, with one hand tucked into his pocket for warmth. He was walking very slowly, followed by an old dog, head drooping, going equally slowly about eight paces behind him.

I thought, poor old things! I turned round to see what my husband was doing, and on looking back again, I took a fit of laughing. The old man was rushing past, going in the opposite direction with the dog ahead of him now. The lead was at full stretch and the dog was dragging the old man home as fast as he could go, to get them both back in the warm. Who said dogs don’t have good sense? This little scene has returned to make me smile whenever I remember it.

© 2020 Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen
Photo: Pixabay License 


While patiently waiting for the lights to change at a traffic junction, I smiled at the sight of a young Yorkshire terrier, gazing adoringly at his elderly owners. 

How lovely to have such a devoted dog, I thought. 
Looking up, I laughed, as they had just come out of the butcher's shop. 

Glancing back, I saw the dog licking his lips in anticipation and prancing in between them. He would have to wait, as it looked as though more shopping was needed. 
Only then would the smells in the bag be turned into food for his tummy.

© 2020 Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen
Photo: Pixabay License 


The day arrived when my sister was going to see her new dog.

She wanted a Jack Russell.

A neighbour told us of a kennel near her friend which had Jack Russell and Patter-dale cross puppies, ready now for a new home.

We agreed to go and see them, Margaret was so excited.

When we arrived at the kennels we were taken to the puppies.

There were five all black and white, at once one rushed towards us and would not leave my sister alone. 

It was a female dog and kept rolling onto her back for a tummy rub.

She was almost laughing, releasing little whimpers of delight.
My sister was totally wrapped up with the little one. I want this puppy, she said hugging the dog in her arms, she loves me.

There was no doubt about it, they were made for each other and were keen to start their lives together. 

So the process of having a dog and all the things it would need to establish it’s place in our household began.

The name was no problem, it would be Tega Malay - for three, as she was the third dog in the litter.

Tega very quickly wriggled her way into our lives for good.


© 2020 Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen
Photo: Pixabay License 


Come into the garden let your tears fall on the grass.
Let your arms wrap round your hurt.
Walk to and fro with no pattern cast.
As you go over the pain released now freely at long last.

She was loving, blonde and beautiful, able to dance in the light of the moon.
She could melt into your arms, take your breath away as she did mine.
Goodbye to our darling dog Amber.
As we welcome a new member into this family of yours and mine.

Let’s stand here together with Jewel bathed in moonlight.
In time she too will dance here in the light of the moon,
In so doing Amber, your memory will be preserved,
We will always remember you.

© 2020 Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen
Photo: Pixabay License 


This is the life for me!
I love the beach the water and the waves,
Not quite sure I like swimming,
But will I when I have too.
Adore rolling in the sand,
Finishing it off shaking myself near a human.
Sneeze! Sneeze!
Great fun!


© 2020 Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen
Photo: Pixabay License 


Our neighbour Sue was going away for four days and had an old Jack Russell aged 15, called Squib. She needed to have life-saving medication once a day. So we were asked if we could do it, we agreed. Sue arrived with Squib and the pills and showed us how to do it.

The next day she came again to watch us doing it. First go out popped the pill at speed, next go the same outcome. I was becoming concerned as she is an old dog. The next time the pill vanished and the dog was swallowing and we all cheered at our success.

Until I looked down at my thumb to discover the disintegrated capsule firmly attached to my nail. We all fell about laughing and Sue put a new one in herself. 
Thereafter we had to admit defeat and the dog was taken to the Vet to have her pill and it was not always a successful trip first time even there.

© 2020 Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen
Photo: Pixabay License 

Jun 27, 2020


Oh my, there was a big battle here last night, as the local thugs set about knocking my new gentleman into shape, to keep their control of the area. 

Oh, boy were they in for a shock, he was no gentle pussy cat, he was a superhero. You could tell he knew how to fight back.

You should have heard the screeching, I tucked myself out the way to watch. 
I had to put my paw over my eyes at times, it was so scary.

When it all died down, I peered out and there was my gentleman looking a bit battered but triumphant. My heart did a little jump and I could not stop purring.

I crept towards him, keeping an anxious glance around to make sure the battle was over. I gently licked his poorly bits as he had a few. 

What a champion, I really liked him. I said ‘I think you had better go home and have your wounds treated properly.’ 

With a tired nod he turned and slipped into his home. 
I made my way back home too.

© Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen
Photo: Pixabay License 


What was that noise?
I struggled out of bed trying to decide what had awakened me.

It sounded as if someone had jumped off the garden wall,
I crept to the window and peered and saw Jake the cat staring,
Hopefully into the fish pond in the dawn light.

He was the cat burglar.

Slowly he wandered around the pond, stopping very still,
Waiting, to trick the fish into coming up for a look.

The fish were much too wise for that.
After a while, he gave up and climbed the wall 
Onto the roof and away out of sight.

I wondered what he would be up to next.
The fish stayed out of sight for some time.
To make sure Jake had really left,
Before slowly floating to the surface to wait for breakfast.

© Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen
Photo: Pixabay License 


I wobble to the left,
I wobble to the right,
All my life, 
I have been at sea, 
Day and night.

I want to stand still 
As is my right.
Without wobbling 
Uncontrollably about.

When the sea is really rough, 
I am out of control.
I have had enough, 
Enough, quite enough.

What will I do, 
Where can I go?
There is no land in sight,
Just now you know.

I’ll have to survive, 
Another few nights.
Before this torment is over 
And I can escape.

Somewhere, anywhere, 
I don’t care,
Just so my wobbling, 
Stops right there.

A new life for me,
With my feet on the grass,
With my nose in the air, 
Sniffing blossoms everywhere.

Trees instead of masts, 
To climb.
Oh boy, 
I am in for a fantastic time!

I am ready for change, 
A new life will be mine,
To do what I want to suit me.

Where it will be I’ll just have to see,
But stay out of trouble, 
On the ship meantime.

© 2020 Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen
Photo: Pixabay License

Jun 26, 2020

The Giraffe


While dining in at the hotel in Sydney we were amazed to see large bats flying through the twilight and alighting on the trees next to us. 

They were certainly not of the small variety. 

It was amusing to see them hanging upside down and moving around sideways.

In-flight, they reminded me of the Dracula movies I had half seen in my youth. 
(During most of the film I had my fingers in my ears and my eyes tight shut.)

They were a fascinating sight flitting around in the twilight and made unusual entertainment.

The meal was ordered and took quite a while to arrive, but as I had had the same dish a few nights before and it was delicious I had no qualms about ordering it again.

During the intervening time, I took an interest in what was happening at a table nearby, where a party of Chinese or Japanese were waiting for their meal. 

What irritated me was, it all arrived one or two plates at a time, over a period of 20 minutes.

So the early servings would have been stone cold. 

The manager spent all this time talking to another couple at another table.

I was becoming quite irritated just by being an observer. 

Eventually, they started eating independently which was a shame, as they had come out as a group.

I thought oh well, surely the waiting staff will get their act together and be able to serve them all at once. 

Oh no, the same carry on continued.

At another table, a couple were talking and every other word he used was a swear word.

My husband asked me "Is he swearing?"

I replied "Yes continuously!"

"That’s amazing as the woman is nodding her head to everything he says. Why is she putting up with it?"

My answer was, "Perhaps she thinks that it is  normal polite conversation"

So you see it was quite a batty night!

© 2020 Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen 
Photo: Pixabay License 



When hanging out my washing on the line, the clothes pegs already dangling there have small spiders, carefully hidden. 
They can only be seen when the sun catches the webs' silken threads, which they have laboriously stretched from peg to peg.

Or on rainy days when raindrops hang suspended in the webs, sketching them out for all who have the time to see. 
Occasionally when hanging my washing up a spider is dislodged, and hangs suspended for a while on a long thread of web. 

Gently lowering itself down to ground level.
I never harm these spiders as they help to keep my washing free from greenflies and other flying insects.

© Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen 
Photo: Pixabay License

Jun 25, 2020


What’s that? A rabbit in the back garden?

We have never seen one there before, it looks quite young.

The Rabbit stiffens and sits upright, fully alert, nose twitching, sensing me watching.

Where has the Rabbit come from? Where is its burrow?

Our garden has been home to litters of foxes for years.

He will be in danger. Oh, run Rabbit, please run!

Mr. Fox is due home at any moment!

He will not allow you to play in his garden,or to sit and enjoy the sun.

Run home to your Mum and Dad as quickly as you can!

Should read I gave a sigh.

The rabbit suddenly saw me and quickly shot off through a hole in the fence.

I waited a while to make sure he didn't return fortunately he stayed away.

No one would know he had ever been there, except for the two holes in the lawn!

Run Rabbit, please run, as this is not a safe place for you to come and have fun.

I wait a while to make sure he doesn’t return and fortunately, he stays away.

© 2020 Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen
Photo: Pixabay License 


A young teenager visited an old lady of 90, once a week to give her a bit of company. A dog sat at the old ladies feet on each visit. 

It was called Blackie and the only distinction in his blackness was a pair of brown,  flop over ears. The dog always lay very still. If you didn't know better, you would have thought it was a footrest.

One day the old lady fell fast asleep. The young girl tried hard not to fidget. 
However, she just had to move and the minute she did, the dog launched himself at her ankles and bit. She shouted ‘You flea-bitten tripe hound.’

The old lady woke up, shrieking furiously  ‘Don’t you dare talk to my dog like that again. In fact, leave this instant and don’t bother coming back.’

The young girl made a hasty exit out the door, with the dog snarling ferociously behind her. That was one social call she had no difficulty crossing off her list.

© 2020 Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen
Photo: Pixabay License 


The sun is out they have set me free,
With a new baby beside me.
Together we walked out fearfully slow,
Gathering pace till we turned it into a frolic.

A joy, fresh crushed green grass
Tickling our feet, with a sniff of water wafting through.
Come on lass let’s trot, for a tour of our home.

When we stop please have a drink of my milk.
It’s there just for you, enough for two.
I will graze quite hard to replace our food.

Once full let’s settle together under a tree,
For a safe snooze, knowing now you belong to me.

Mooooo, munch, grind, munch.

© 2020  Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen
Photo: Pixabay License 

Oops A Scary Moment


My husband and I were waiting for a meal to be served in the hall of a Spanish fortified farmhouse. 
As we were not sure of the etiquette, we were trying to warm ourselves at the blazing welcoming log fire. The weather had turned into an unexpectedly cold May, and we were freezing.

All of a sudden in came a large, grey and white English Sheepdog just like the Dulux adverts. He came rushing over, in welcome and being a dog lover, I went to return his greeting. 

Delight changed to horror as he was absolutely soaking wet. I took off around a convenient table with the dog in delighted pursuit, trying to escape being covered in mud and rainwater. 

My husband decided that a manly approach might be better. 
He stood still and called in his loudest fiercest voice ‘SIT’.

To my amazement, the dog sat at once, and then to my very wicked delight, 
stood up on his hind legs and put his forefeet on my husband's shoulders. 

Then it was every man for himself, round and round the table, till the dog gave up in disgust, and headed towards the kitchen door. To what he and I hoped would be a nice meal. It was not his fault we did not know Spanish!

I had to laugh. If my friends had seen me running away from a dog, they would not have believed it.

© 2020 Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen
Photo: Pixabay License 

Jun 24, 2020


Persistant Callers


Hello Mrs. Snail!

I know you are hiding, In that excruciatingly expensive little plant.

It is a shame you can't see it, but you have left behind a simply super slimy trail, your very distinctive calling card.

Can we make a pact that you resist that little plant, because in roughly ten more munches.
Those tiny delicate bunches of leaves won't be there?

Why can't you take a fancy to the rotten old weeds, 

Which scatter their seeds everywhere and munch their flavours to the full?

We would work together and I would not start to see red and give you the old heave-ho every time, 

I see your slimy, silvery, trail shining in the dark.

© 2020 Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo by Daniela Silvia Serban

What a Tail



On slipping into the swimming pool for a swim one afternoon. 

I noticed a brown leafy twig floating on the surface.   

So I went to pick it up and throw it out onto the garden when it wriggled. 

It gave me a fright as I was not expecting it.

Something swam away with its head up, it was a small brown lizard two of its legs did not seem to be working. 

I gently caught it and moved over to a spot on the side of the pool near the garden. 

I opened my hand to release him and placed him on the ground.

He lay there for ages, perhaps his legs were tired from holding onto the leafy twig. 

I kept looking over as I swam to see if he was alright. 

Then all of a sudden without me seeing him go, he was gone.

I do hope he was unhurt and found his way to safety. 

I shall remember that soft wriggle in my hand for quite a while.

© 2020 Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen
Photo: Pixabay License

Jun 23, 2020


Hello, my name is Lily!

This is the story of my friendship with Wobbly who lives next door. Wobbly has given me a nickname ‘the Cat who wishes to be mine!’

This story is dedicated to cat lovers of all ages. Have fun reading my story! 

Your friend, Lily

You can buy my book on Amazon: Lily Tales


Hello my name is Satu and it is with great pleasure I present my first book about my adventurous life with my amazing family. 

I arrived as a puppy, with the urge to see what was over the hill or round the corner. I was a runaway dog, who could not bark, just sneeze!

This story is dedicated to dog lovers of all ages, only you know what a privilege it is. 

Have fun reading my story. 

Your friend, Satu

You can buy my book on Amazon: Satu Stories